Jurnal Kesehatan Vokasional

Jurnal Kesehatan Vokasional with registered number ISSN 2541-0644 (print)ISSN 2599-3275 (online), DOI 10.22146/jkesvo published by the Department of Health Information Management and Services, Vocational College, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). JKesVo is a logo and not an abbreviation for the Jurnal Kesehatan Vokasional. Jurnal Kesehatan Vokasional publishes materials in Bahasa with the objective of facilitating the nationwide dissemination of knowledge related to vocational health, specifically aimed at reaching both academicians and professionals within the Indonesian health care sector.

Jurnal Kesehatan Vokasional publishes articles primarily based on research or work equivalent to research findings in applied health sciences. The journal focuses on the development or implementation of products, models, methods, or solutions to health problems, with priority given to the following key areas:

  • Medical records and health information
  • Health information management
  • Midwifery
  • Nursing
  • Public health
  • Physiotherapy
  • Microbiology
  • Biomedical science
  • Radiology
  • Laboratory technology
  • Electromedical technology
  • Dentistry
  • Occupational health
  • Prosthetics and orthotics



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Congratulations to Our Editor in Chief: Dr. Rita Dian Pratiwi, S.Kep., M.P.H.


This is quite an achievement in one’s carrier and we are sure that, under her guidance, Jurnal Kesehatan Vokasional will fare well!

Posted: 2024-12-18

Notification of Accreditation Status of the Jurnal Kesehatan Vokasional

Currently, the Jurnal Kesehatan Vokasional is undergoing re-accreditation. It has passed the administrative process and is now in the evaluation stage. According to the regulations of the Permen Ristekdikti, the accreditation of the Jurnal Kesehatan Vokasional remains valid Sinta 2. Thank you.
Posted: 2024-11-22
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Vol 9, No 4 (2024): November

Table of Contents


Angesti Nugraheni, Ika Sumiyarsi Sukamto, Iffah Indri Kusmawati, Noviyati Rahardjo Putri, Niken Bayu Argaheni
10.22146/jkesvo.99678 Abstract views : 2348 | views : 978
Mareta Maulidiyanti, Lydia Freyani Hawadi, Dien Anshari
10.22146/jkesvo.101643 Abstract views : 525 | views : 260
I Made Sukarmayasa, Putu Ika Farmani, Made Karma Maha Wirajaya, Putu Ayu Laksmini
10.22146/jkesvo.99335 Abstract views : 2313 | views : 576
Nurry Ayuningtyas Kusumastuti, Siti Haeriyah, Rini Sartika, Lastri Mei Winarni
10.22146/jkesvo.99729 Abstract views : 970 | views : 415
Maya Sari Mutia, Gusbakti Rusip, Gracella Verren Kurniawan, Dewi Sartika, Felanda Ahsan Nadia, Henny Henny
10.22146/jkesvo.99524 Abstract views : 3203 | views : 1150
Dadang Suhenda, Weny Lestari, Ade Saputra Nasution, Mochamad Wahyu Ghani, Nuraini Nuraini
10.22146/jkesvo.99346 Abstract views : 1315 | views : 402
Ida Ayu Md. Vera Susiladewi, Yati Afiyanti, Agung Waluyo
10.22146/jkesvo.99850 Abstract views : 2070 | views : 622