Kala dan Aspek pada Kata Kerja Iku dan Kuru dalam Bahasa Jepang

Rahma Fitri Alifah(1*)
(1) Padjadjaran University
(*) Corresponding Author
In Japanese, there are verbs of iku which have a literal meaning 'away,' and verbs of kuru which have a literal meaning 'come.' However, in Japanese, the two verbs can have another meaning if viewed from the tense and aspects of a sentence. For Japanese learners, to distinguish between the use of Japanese language and aspects and knowing the meaning of sentences which are characterized by aspects is a complex matter. This study aims to analyze the types of aspects and tense of the iku and kuru verbs. This study uses written tapping techniques with data sources came from Japanese news media, The Daily Jakarta Shinbun, which was published on February 19, 2020. The conclusion of this research is that the type of aspects found in the verbs of -te iku and -te kuru are imperfective aspects and perfective. Furthermore, the type of tense contained in the verbs -te iku and -te kuru is to state the present, future, and past conditions.
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