Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Pemanfaatan Limbah Tulang Ikan untuk Produk Hidroksiapatit (Hydroxyapatite/HA) Kajian di Pabrik Pengolahan Kerupuk Lekor Kuala Terengganu-Malaysia

Ambar Teguh Sulistiyani(1*), Dara Aisyah(2), Ibrahim Mamat(3), M. Sontang(4)

(1) Fakultas ISIPOL Universitas Gadjah Mada
(2) Pusat Pembangunan Sosioekonomi, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT)
(3) Fak. Pengajian Kontemporari Islam, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA)
(4) Fak. Pengajian Kontemporari Islam, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA)
(*) Corresponding Author


Fish bone is a trash which has economic value that has not got much attention from both government and society. Although the researchers has examined much the beneft of the fsh bone in the laboratory, but it has not been socialized well. Terefore, social empowerment in transfer knowledge is necessary to be done, so the real beneft can be felt widely. Transfer knowledge about fsh bone waste manufacture to society becomes the study focus in UMT Terengganu. Te study was done in the factory of Lekor crackers by promoting participation. Te frst objective of the study is providing community care to the beneft of fsh bone as organic calcium which has high quality. Te second study of this research also seeks to provide learning to the society in manufacturing the fsh bone waste serve as hydroxyapatite. Te third objective is to provide transfer knowledge to society to make use of hydroxyapatite which comes from fsh bone waste to be consumed because it contains high nutrition namely calcium, phosphor and carbonate. Te fourth objective is for environment management so that it is free from pollution of fsh bone waste. Te approach used in this study is social engineering namely integrates between social and technology approaches of fsh bone waste manufacture which needs mechanic process. Social approach is needed to arouse community care of the beneft of participation in manufacture and the beneft of fsh bone waste in Lekor crackers area. Meanwhile, engineering approach is needed for the process of laboratory research towards fsh bone waste, and for the process of simplifcation fsh bone manufacture, so it can be adopted by society at large. Transfer knowledge about fsh bone waste manufacture to the society, it becomes study focus at UMT Terengganu. Te study was done in factory of Lekor crackers by promoting participation. Te frst objective is to providing community care of the beneft of fsh bone as organic calcium which has high quality. Te second objective of this study also seeks to provide learning to society in manufacturing fsh bone waste serve as hydroxyapatite. Te third objective is to give transfer knowledge to society about the necessary of hydroxyapatite which comes from fsh bone waste to be consumed because it contains nutrition namely calcium, phosphor and carbonate. Te fourth objective is to manage environment to be free from pollution caused by fsh bone waste. Te approach used in this study is social engineering approach that combines social with technology approaches of fsh bone manufacture which needs mechanic process. Social approach is needed to arouse the community providing care of the importance of participation in manufacturing and in making use of fsh bone waste in Lekor crackers area. While engineering approach is needed to the process of research in laboratory about fsh bone waste and also to simplify the manufacture of fsh bone to be adopted by society at large.


Fish bone waste; Social empowerment; Participation; Kerupuk lekor; Transfer knowledge; Transfer of manajemen skill

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ISSN (print) 2460-9447ISSN (online) 2541-5883