Implementation of Fish Pellet Production Using Palm Kernel Waste in Merangin Village, Kampar

Said Zul Amraini(1*)

(1) Universitas Riau
(*) Corresponding Author


The community in Merangin Village, Kampar Regency, whose livelihoods revolve around fish farming, faces challenges in fish cultivation, especially concerning the use of pellets from factories, which contribute approximately 60-70% to the total production costs. To mitigate these expenses, an alternative solution is proposed by producing fish pellets independently using palm waste available in the village. However, many community members still lack understanding of the process of fish pellet production and the processing of its raw materials. Through the community service program at the University of Riau, a targeted technology transfer effort is conducted for the residents of Merangin Village to empower them in producing fish pellets autonomously. The primary focus of the community service activities is to enhance knowledge through integrated guidance on fish pellet production. It is expected that with the implementation of this program, the people of Merangin Village can manufacture their own fish pellets from palm waste, subsequently increasing income and establishing an efficient and sustainable fish farming venture. The implications of the community service program in Merangin Village encompass heightened knowledge in optimizing the utilization of palm waste for fish pellet production, thereby reducing production costs, increasing income, and effectively managing waste.

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