Analisis Potensi Dampak Perjanjian TRIPs pada Ketersediaan Obat dan Vaksin Covid-19

Mario Franky Joris(1*), Kadek Maylena Putri Yuliawan(2), Dwi Endarti(3)

(1) Gadjah Mada University
(2) Gadjah Mada University
(3) Gadjah Mada University
(*) Corresponding Author



Adanya perjanjian TRIPs membuat aksesibilitas obat dan pelayanan kesehatan menjadi terhambat karena dibatasi oleh adanya paten, terutama pada masa pandemi Covid-19. Studi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dampak dari implementasi TRIPs terhadap ketersediaan obat dan vaksin Covid-19 pada beberapa negara selama masa pandemi. Studi ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode studi pustaka, dimana dilakukan pencarian literatur menggunakan berbagai macam database dan kata kunci. Hasilnya, dalam pelaksanaan TRIPs, TRIPs menghalangi ketersediaan obat-obatan esensial, terutama di negara berkembang. Maka dari itu, muncul fleksibilitas TRIPs yang dianggap dapat menjadi opsi dan solusi dalam mengatasi aksesibilitas pelayanan kesehatan, terutama obat dan vaksin Covid-19 selama masa pandemi. Dengan adanya fleksibilitas TRIPs, banyak negara dan juga perusahaan farmasi yang memanfaatkan fleksibilitas ini sehingga menjamin ketersediaan obat dan vaksin esensial untuk penanganan pandemi Covid-19. 

Kata Kunci: Covid-19; fleksibilitas TRIPs; ketersediaan obat; TRIPs; vaksin Covid-19. 


The existence of the TRIPs agreement has hampered the accessibility of drugs and health services because they are limited by the existence of patents, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study aims to analyze the impact of implementing TRIPs on the availability of Covid-19 drugs and vaccines in several countries during the pandemic. This study was conducted using the literature study method, where a literature search was carried out using various databases and keywords. As a result, in the implementation of TRIPs, TRIPs hinder the availability of essential medicines, especially in developing countries. Therefore, the TRIPs flexibility has emerged which is considered to be an option and solution in overcoming the accessibility of health services, especially drugs and Covid-19 vaccines during the pandemic. With the flexibility of TRIPs, many countries as well as pharmaceutical companies are taking advantage of this flexibility to ensure the availability of essential drugs and vaccines for handling the Covid-19 pandemic.

Keyword: Covid-19; TRIPs flexibility; drug availability; TRIPs; Covid-19 vaccine.


Covid-19; fleksibilitas TRIPs; ketersediaan obat; TRIPs; vaksin Covid-19.

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