Journal History

Review of Primary Care Practice and Education (Kajian Praktik dan Pendidikan Layanan Primer) / RPCPE first publishes in 2018 with registration number ISSN 2613-943X (print) and 2620-5572 (online). This journal is a collaboration between the College of Indonesian Primary Care Physicians (Starting from Februari 2020 is known as the Indonesian Society of Teachers in Family Medicine) and the Department of Family and Community Medicine Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. In preparation of articles for publications, an editorial board is established on 14 August 2017 based on the decision of the Chairman of the College of Indonesian Primary Care Physicians with decree number 01 / RPCPE / VIII / 2017. The editorial board are Professor Hari Kusnanto J. as Chief Editor; Dr. Mora Claramita, PhD., Dr. Indah S Widyahening, PhD., and Dr. Nur Afrainin Syah, PhD as Managing Editors; the rest are Professor Adi Heru Sutomo., Professor Mark Alan Graber., Professor Micheal Kidd., Professor Zorayda Leopando., Dr. Oryzati Hilman A, PhD., Dr. Dhanasari Vidiawati TS, PhD., Dr.  Elsa Pudji Setiawati, PhD., Dr. Pudji Lestari, PhD., Dr. Nita Arisanti., Dr. Wahyudi Istiono, PhD., Dr. Herqutanto, PhD., Dr. Fitriana Murriya Ekawati, MPHC., Dr. Linda Dewanti, PhD., Dr. Insi Farisa Desy Arya, MSi., Dr. Putu Aryani, MIH as Editor-Reviewers.

The RPCPE is published 3 times a year in January, May, and September.

Due to the editorial team's latest decision, we decided to change the journal's publication period from once every 4 months to every 6 months with the number of articles in each publication being 5 articles (1 concept paper, 5 research articles, adn 1 case report).

This decision is effective from the issue of Volume 5 Number 1 of 2022.

The processes of publishing this journal are the submission of a manuscript, desk-evaluation on the format and content of the writing, the review process by reviewers, the proofreading process, re-check the manuscript by the author, and the final step is publication.