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Author Guidelines

Types of articles published by the Review of Primary Care Practice and Education (Kajian Praktik dan Pendidikan Layanan Primer)/ RPCPE

Articles published by the Review of Primary Care Practice and Education/ RPCPE follow a specific format, as listed below:

A. Original articles: These articles aim to inform readers about innovative clinical and educational research in primary care which is presented clearly with a well-structured format. Research published in this section should add to the existing knowledge published in this field (between 3500–5000 words). Compulsory as a supplementary file: Ethical clearance letter/certificate and or the Ethical Clearance Number.

The manuscript should follow the same basic structure as other original research articles. The Background, Objectives section should focus on a clinical or educational question that will be addressed in the article. The Methods section should describe in detail the design of the study, subjects and sample size and methods, instruments used, procedures of the study and analysis of the data. The Results section should describe the findings and the Discussion section should deeply discuss the interpretation of the findings, how these findings add to the existing knowledge as well as limitations of the study and recommendations, also Conclusion section.

General Instruction for Original Articles

Manuscripts submitted to the Review of Primary Care Practice and Education (RPCPE) journals should be original and not have been published before. Manuscripts which have been published belong to editorial property and manuscripts may not be republished in any form without the consent of the editor. Manuscripts which were published before will not be considered by the editor. During the editing process, the authors are not allowed to submit the manuscript to other journals until the manuscript is accepted or rejected from the editor.

The manuscript should be written in Indonesian and English, with the title, abstract, and keywords in Indonesian and English in the format as outlined in this writing guidelines. All submitted manuscripts will be edited by the editorial board (editorial board/EB), reviewers (Mitra Bestari/MB), and technical editor (TE).

Manual Preparation for Manuscripts

Preparation of manuscripts includes the format of typing and writing contents of each section of the manuscript. The authors need to ensure that the manuscript does not have typing errors. Manuscript format, including:

  1. Manuscript written 3500-5000 words (with notes for Quantitative Research maximum of 3500 words and Qualitative Research maximum of 5000 words with maximum 30 references), Times New Roman font size 10 (except title with font 14; author, affiliation, and corresponding author with font 9 ), space 1, on A4 size paper (210 mm x 297 mm). The margin of writing on all four sides is 2.5 cm. Paragraphs are flat right & left, without indentation and with spaces between paragraphs.
  2. Page number is written on the right top of page header.
  3. Images and tables are not grouped separately but are integrated with the manuscript.

Sections of manuscripts of research results are written in the following order: Background, Objectives, Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion. In detail include the title, data of the author, abstract (background, objectives, methods, results, and conclusions), keywords, background, research methods, results, discussion, conclusion, acknowledgments, ethical approval and informed consent, funding, availability of data and material, conflict of interest, and references. Abbreviations / terms / symbols are allowed in the manuscript but at first mention must be written completely. Avoid using parentheses to explain a definition. Non-standard foreign terms or words which are not Indonesian must be written in italics. Writing a description of the manuscript section follows the following provisions.


The title of the written publication contains the main keywords and does not use any abbreviation. Title is written using font 14. The title is limited to 12-20 words.

 Author (font 9)

The full name of the author (without title) is placed under the heading. The authors’ order is based on their contribution in the writing process. Example: Yogi Dirgantara1, Lisa Permana2, Katherine Mandarina3

Author’s data (font 9, single space)

Affiliation of author. Number according to order of author name. Examples: 1. Department of Family Medicine and Primary Care Physician Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

The correspondence address is the address of one of the authors including postal code and e-mail. Example:

Corresponding author: Yogi Dirgantara: Department of Family Medicine and Primary Care Physician Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Jalan Farmako, Sekip Utara, Yogyakarta  55281




Abstract is written in Indonesian and English. Word count should not exceed 300 words, with no quotes and abbreviations / acronyms. Abstract should start with background, followed by objectives. Then methods that include: design, sample, data collecting, and data analysis. The written results are the results of research obtained to answer the problem questions of the research directly. Conclusions contain a brief statement of the results of the analysis and the results of discussion. Abstract is written using font 9 and single space. Keywords are written in Indonesian and English and contain a maximum of six words. Keywords are sorted alphabetically. Keywords is written using font 9 and italic.


Manuscripts are written with Times New Roman letter size 10 pt.; space 1; top, bottom, right and left margins 2.5 cm; A4 paper size (210 mm x 297 mm). The use of standard Indonesian and enhanced spelling (EYD) is a must.

Introduction contains the justification of the importance of the conducted research. The novelty of the results of this study compared to previous research results or existing knowledge needs to be clearly explained, complete with the main references used. State a one-sentence question (research problem) that needs to be answered with all authors’ research activities. State the methods used and the purpose or hypothesis of the study. Introduction section should not exceed six paragraphs.

Citations in the manuscript should use the Vancouver style with Arabic numerals superscripted1,2,3.

RESEARCH METHODS (font 10, single space)

The methods contain the design, sample size, criteria and data collecting, instrument, retrieval procedure, processing, and data analysis. When using a questionnaire as an instrument explain how the contents outline and measure which variables were used (ie, Like Scale). Instrument validity and reliability also should be explained. In experimental or intervention studies it is necessary to explain the procedure of intervention or treatment given. In this section it should be explained how the ethical approval of the study was obtained and the protection of the rights of the respondents was enacted. Data analysis using a computer program does not need to be written in detail if it is not original software.

The place / location of the study is only mentioned when it comes to research. If the location of the study is only a place then the location of the details does not need to be mentioned specifically, just vaguely, for example "... in a tertiary hospital in Tasikmalaya City."

In qualitative study it is necessary to explain how the researchers maintain the trustworthiness of the data obtained. The methods part should be written briefly in two to three paragraphs.

RESULTS (font 10, single space)

Results are sorted by purpose or research hypothesis. The results should not display the same data in two forms: tables / images / graphs and narrations. Quotes are not used in the results section. Mean of the data must be accompanied by standard deviation. Create the tables using the following provisions.

The table is placed immediately after being mentioned in the manuscript. Table numbering uses Arabic numerals, which are 1, 2, 3, etc. Distance between the table and paragraph is single space. The table is written with Times New Roman font size 10 pt. and spaced one single space under the heading of the table. Table titles are written with a 10 pt. bold letter, with capital letters at the beginning of the word and placed above the table with the format as shown in the example, and should not use column lines. The table template uses a 1 pt. thick line. If the table has enough columns, one-column format can be used in half or one full page. If the title of each table is long and complex then the lane is numbered and the description is given at the bottom of the table as a legend. Avoid broken tables by pages. The maximum number of tables listed in the manuscript should be 5 tables.


 Table 1. Characteristics of respondents

Writing the mean values, use +SD, and with t test results include a 95% CI score. The writing of mean scores does not mention p values first. Example of writing: Mean of age on intervention group was 25.4 years (95% CI). Based on further tests between the intervention and control groups the results were significant (e.g.: p = 0.001; CI = ... - ...). 

The image is placed immediately after being mentioned in the manuscript. The image is placed symmetrically in a column with a single space from the paragraph. If the image size passes the width of the column then the image can be placed in one column format. Images are numbered and sorted with Arabic numerals. The image description is placed underneath the image and spaced one single space from the image. Writing captions use 10pt, bold, uppercase letters at the beginning of the word and placed as in the example. The distance between images with the paragraph is two single spaces.

Images that have been published by other authors must be authorized by the author and the publisher. To include a single image with good resolution format into full-size or full-page or scan with good resolution in (file name).jpeg or (file name).tiff. If the image is in photo format then include one original photo. The image will be printed in black and white, unless it needs to be displayed in color. Fonts used in making images or graphics should be common to every word processor and operating system such as Symbol, Times New Roman and Arial with a size of not less than 9 pt. Image files from apps like Corel Draw, Adobe Illustrator and Aldus Freehand can deliver better results and can be scaled down without changing the resolution. The maximum number of images listed in the manuscript is 3 images.

Here is an example of a picture in the manuscript.

Figure 1. Signal process of heart sensitivity (capital letters at the beginning of the word, 9pt, bold)


  1. Full name_MANUSCRIPT (if manuscript more than one then the writing should be as follows: Full name_MANUSCRIPT.1, and so on).
  2. Tables and images are saved in Ms. Word with the filename as follows: Full name_Figure and full name_Table.
  3. Write the title of the table and the image adjusted with the title and description contained in the script. While writing tables and images in the manuscript provide additional information as follows: Insert table/figure 1. here (written in red letters), and so on.

For qualitative studies, the results are usually written in the form of participants’ statements. This study type very rarely uses tables except to describe the characteristics of participants, or recapitulation of themes or categories. If the quotation is not more than 40 words, then use quotation marks (") at the beginning and the end of the sentence and mention which participants / informants who said that statement without the need to create a separate paragraph. The ellipsis (...) is used only to replace a word that is not displayed, not for a stop / pause. See the following example:

As a result of the ongoing process, women experience moderate to severe pain in their knees, ankles, legs, back, shoulders, elbows, and / or fingers, and they struggle to relieve the pain. To get rid of the pain, they look for the cause of the pain. One of the participants stated, "... I decided to visit a doctor, to find out the cause of my pain. Now I take medicine from a doctor in order to reduce the pain." (Participant 3)

Here is an example of a quote using block quotations when the word count is 40 or more. Use indentation 0.3.

As previously discussed, once participants have recovered from shock due to the diagnosis of their illness, all participants decided to fight for their life. For most of them, striving to live is a meaning of their love for their children; namely the well-being of children is characteristic of the pressure in their world.

Here is an example of the expression of one of the participants:

I tried to kill myself, but when I think of my child, I can not do it [crying]. I thought, if I die, nobody will take care of my son. Therefore, I decided to fight for my life and my son's future. He's the hope in my life. (Participant 2)

DISCUSSION (font 10, single space)

Description of the discussion is done by comparing the data obtained at this time with the data obtained in previous research / review. Do not use more statistics or other statistical symbols in the discussion. The discussion is directed at the answers to the research hypothesis. Emphasis is given to the similarity, differences, or uniqueness of the results obtained. Researchers should discuss why the results of the research are unique. Researchers need to express the implications of the research results and to clarify the impact of the results of this study on the current progress of the field of study. The discussion concludes with various research limitations.

CONCLUSIONS (font 10, single space)

The conclusions are written in narrative form. The conclusions provide the answers to the hypothesis that lead to the main purpose of the study. In this section, do No. include quotes, information or new terms which are unavailable in the previous sections. Suggestions or recommendations for further research can be written in this section.

Acknowledgments (if any) (font 10, single space)

Acknowledgments are given to research funding sources (granting institution, contract number, year of acceptance) and people who support the grant. The names of the persons who support or help the research are written clearly. Names that are already included in the authors’ list of the manuscript are not allowed here.

Ethical Approval (obligatory) and Informed Consent  (font 10, single space)

Funding (if any) (font 10, single space)

Availability of Data and Material (if any) (font 10, single space)

Conflicts of Interest (if any) (font 10, single space)


Minimum 15 references from journal articles. References are written with Times New Roman font size 10pt, single-space, the distance between references once returned/enter. References should only contain articles that have been published and selected to be the most relevant to the manuscript. Primary references are preferred. The way of reference writing follows the Vancouver style and it is recommended to use reference manager tools (Zotero or Mendeley), where the occurrence of reference sources is done sequentially using the numbers according to their appearance as a citation in the text. What is in the reference should be quoted in the manuscript. In the citation, the author should write references in the manuscript with Arabic numerals according to the Vancouver style. Example of citations:

World Health Organization (WHO) predicts an increase in the number of people with DM in Indonesia from 8.4 million in 2000 to 21.3 million in 2030. While the prevalence of undiagnosed DM in Indonesia is 4.1% from 5.6% prevalence diabetes.

Examples of citation occurrences in reference (font 8pt):

  1. Perkumpulan Endokrinologi Indonesia (PERKENI). Konsesnsus Pengelolaan Diabetes Melitus di Indonesia. Jakarta: PB. PERKENI. 2011.
  2. Pramono LA, Setiati S, Soewondo P, Subekti I, Adisasmita A, Kodim N, et al. Prevalence and predictors of undiagnosed diabetes melitus in Indonesia. Indones J Intern Med 2011;42(4):216-223.

Other Examples:

  • Book
  • Single Author

Perkumpulan Endokrinologi Indonesia (PERKENI). Konsensus Pengelolaan Diabetes Melitus di Indonesia. Jakarta: PB. PERKENI. 2011.

  • More than 6 authors

Pramono LA, Setiati S, Soewondo P, Subekti I, Adisasmita A, Kodim N, et al. Prevalence and predictors of undiagnosed diabetes melitus in Indonesia. Indones J Intern Med 2011;42(4):216-223.

  • Anonymous

Advertising in the Western Cape. Cape Town: ABC Publishers; 1990.

  • Editorial

Kastenbaum R., editor. Encyclopedia of adult development. Phoenix Oryx Press; 1993.

  • Encyclopedia or dictionary

Oxford dictionary for scientific writers and editors. Oxford: Clarendon; 1991. Parabola; p.89. [mencantumkan definisi yang diterangkan di naskah – dalam contoh ini ‘Parabola’]

  • Article or book section

Blaxter M. Social class and health inequalities. In: Carter C, Peel J, editors. Equalities and inequalities in health. London: Academic Press, 1976; p. 369-80.

  • Article or book section-anonymous

Solving the Y2K problem. In: Bowd D., ed. Technology today and tomorrow. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1997; p. 27-40.

  • E-book

Pettinger R. Global organizations [monograph online]. Oxford: Capsone Publising; 2002 [cited 2004 Sep 28]. Available from: NetLibrary.

  • Leaflet

Pharmaceutical Society of Australia. Medicines and driving [pamphlet]. Sydney: Pharmaceutical Society of Australia; 1998.

  • Thesis

Wood MA. A study of the perception of the impact of modeling on the development of commitment to action in decision conferencing [PhD thesis]. Perth (WA): Curtin University of Technology; 2004.

  • Image of a book

Cowle C, Walker D. The art of apple branding. Hobart: Apples from Oz: 2005 Gartner LP, Hiatt JL. Electron micrograph of an orthochromatophilic erythroblast. From Hopkins CR: Structure and Function of Cells. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1978.

Printed Journal:

  • Article

Mihardja, L. Faktor yang berhubungan dengan pengendalian gula darah pada penderita diabetes melitus di perkotaan Indonesia. Maj Kedokt Indon 2009;59(9):418-424. 

  • Anonymous article

Anorexia nervosa. Br Med J. 1969;2(1):529-30.

  • Article in mass media, with or without author

Towers K. Doctor not at fault: coroner. The Australian 2000 Jan 18:3.


  • Full text from electronic data base

Reid DB. Australasian association of doctors’ health advisory services. Med J Australia [serial online]. 2005 [cited 2006 Mar 28]; 182 (5):255. Available from: Health and Medical Complete.

  • Full text from electronic data-anonymous

Cell tropism of Salmonella enterica. Int J Med Microbiol [serial online]. 2004 [cited 2006 Mar 28]; 294(4):225-33. Available from: Health and Medical Complete.

  • Full text from internet

Sospensky E. Ice rink becomes hot business. Austin Business Journal [serial on the internet]. 2002 [cited 2002 Oct 16]; 10(4). Available from: http// malb1.html.

  • Article from CD

La Rosa SM. Marketing slays the downsizing dragon. Information Today [serial on CDROM] 1992 [cited 2002 Oct 16]; 9(3):58-9. Available from: UMI Business Periodicals Ondisc.

WWW (World Wide Web)

  • Document from website

Departement of Health. Creutzfeldt Jacob disease: guidance for healthcare workers [homepage on the Internet]. c2003 [updated 2003 Mar 23; cited 2003 Nov 9]. Available from: http//

  • Document from website-without title

Curtin University of Technology [homepage on the Internet]. Perth: Curtin University; c2004 [updated 2004 May 21; cited 2004 Dec 21]. Available from:

  • Document from website-anonymous

Leafy sea dragon and weedy seadragoons [homepage on the Internet]. c2001 [updated 2001 Aug 1; cited 2004 Dec 21]. Available from: http// /~jenny/seadragoons/.

  • Document from website without date

McCock A. Pre-diabetic condition linked to memory loss [homepage on the internet]. Nodate [cited 2003 Feb7]. Available from: http// /news_11531.html

  • Image from website

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority [image on the Internet]. c2002 [updated 2006 Jan 28; cited 2006 Feb 15]. Available from:http// bleaching/

  • Paten Online

Ramanathan, Chandra S, Gopal, Shuba. Polynucleotides encoding a human G-protein coupled receptor, HGPRBMY39 (US Patent 7198912). Free Patents Online [paten online] 2007 Apr 3 [dikunjungi 2009 Apr 12]. Download from: URL: http://www.freepatentsonline. com/7198912.html.

Other publications

  • Patent

Pagedas AC, inventor Ancel Surgical R&D Inc., assignee. Flexible endoscopic grasping and cutting device and positioning tool assembly. U. S. patent 20020103498.2002 Aug 1.

  •  Appendices

Appendices only used if really needed, should be placed after references. If more than 1 appendix, it is orderd alphabetically.

B. Concept papers: Short opinion pieces (not research papers) on any primary health care and family medicine topic. This is an opportunity to stimulate dialogue and discussion on important issues. (between 1000–2000 words with a minimum of 3 references). The structure of the Concept Paper is Introduction (one paragraph) and Discussion sections.

C. Case report: Author can give a detailed account of a specific patient as a case study (Evidence-Based Case Study). The patient study should highlight a critical issue and reflect towards the principles of primary care medicine (no more than 800 words with a minimum of 5 references).  The structure of the Case Report is Presentation of a case and Discussion sections.

D. Book reviews: The book reviews are normally requested by the editor on any books relevant to aspects of primary health care and family medicine. Please contact the editor if you would like to suggest a review or book for consideration.

E. Correspondence: Letters to the editor allow authors to raise their opinion on a particular aspect of primary health care and family medicine studies or their reaction to a previously published paper in the Review of Primary Care Practice and Education/ RPCPE (up to 500 words and maximum 2 references). If the letter is a reaction to a published paper then the original authors will also be given an opportunity to respond. Note that you can also submit comments on line at the end of the published article.

F. Editorials: Editorials are by invitation only and are intended to provide expert comment on relevant topics within the focus and scope of the journal. (Less than 800 words with a maximum of 10 references).


Publication procedure  

On the acceptance of a manuscript for publication by the Editor-in-Chief, the editorial staff will work towards preparing the manuscript for online publication. 

The first stage is that the submitted manuscript is reviewed by an editor, related to the completeness and conformity of manuscripts with RPCPE writing guidelines. The script will be returned to the author for correction if the article is not written according to the guidelines. Any manuscript that has complied with the RPCPE guidelines will be sent to peer reviewers to conduct an overview of the originality and scientific quality of the manuscript. Authors are expected to improve their articles based on the comments and suggestions of the reviewers. The Editor in Chief and the editorial board decide on the publication of the article. The result of the publication decision will be sent to the corresponding author.

The next stage is the language editing that is returned to the corresponding author for re-check. This will be the final opportunity for the author to make text changes to the manuscript. At a later stage, the editorial staff will send the author one set of galley proofs, at which time the author will have two working days to mark any typographical errors. It may not be possible to incorporate author corrections in the printed version of the manuscript in the event of the author failing to respond to the proofreading requests. Authors should visit their personalized home page frequently to assess the location or stage of the manuscript.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  2. The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  3. Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  4. The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  5. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  6. If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Copyright Notice

Creative Commons License

  • Articles published in RPCPE are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. You are free to copy, transform, or redistribute articles for any lawful purpose in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and RPCPE, link to the license, indicate if changes were made, and redistribute any derivative work under the same license.
  • Copyright on articles is retained by the respective author(s), without restrictions. A non-exclusive license is granted to RPCPE to publish the article and identify itself as its original publisher, along with the commercial right to include the article in a hardcopy issue for sale to libraries and individuals.


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.


Author Fees

This journal charges the following author fees.

Article Submission: 200000.00 (IDR)
Authors are required to pay an Article Submission Fee as part of the submission process to contribute to review costs.

Fast-Track Review: 300000.00 (IDR)
With the payment of this fee, the review, editorial decision, and author notification on this manuscript is guaranteed to take place within 4 weeks.

If you do not have funds to pay such fees, you will have an opportunity to waive each fee. We do not want fees to prevent the publication of worthy work.