Worm Infection in Children


Evia Marfu'ah(1*)

(1) Puskesmas Wonosari II (Community and Primary Health Care Center); Gunung Kidul; Yogyakarta; Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


........The problem in this case was not about medical treatment of a pinworm disease, which was probably easily treated with antihelmintic within 1-2 days. At a glance this problem seems trivial, however, the interesting and challenging aspects of the above case are: 1) How to maintain the sustainability of clean and healthy life behavior by patients and their families, so the risk of worm infection does not occur in the future; 2) Behavior and use of latrines in the family where only 1 exists for all family members, to be healthy and regularly managed; and 3) How to educate the mother of the patient that this worm infection can occur in an outbreak, if the healthy lifestyle is not properly done while she keeps selling candle ice for elementary school children near their home........



worm infection; children

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22146/rpcpe.33891

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