
Journal History

Jurnal Teknosains is first published in December 2011. We published twice issue-numbers in a year. It always starts from December and the second volume in published June. Each issue has seven articles and one book review. Jurnal Teknosains is published by the Graduate School of Universitas Gadjah Mada. Jurnal Teknosains has been indexed DOAJ since 2016.

In reviewing process, Jurnal Teknosains uses a Doubel Blind peer-review system.

Jurnal Teknosains begins using web based journal using Open Journal System (OJS) at the end of 2016 (December 2016) to receive articles online. Jurnal Teknosains begins to apply online journal gradually in early 2017.

Jurnal Teknosains has improved the detail information by putting information or article genesis in each headline of articles starting from Volume 6 Number 1, December 2016 has improved the presentation of articles by adding the article genesis that includes information about article, and DOI.  In the archives page, we have attached journal cover started from December 2015 (Volume 5, Number 1).

In 2017, Jurnal Teknosains had collaborated with the Operator Cooperation Agency for Higher Education Industrial Engineering Indonesia (BKSTI) to support Journal of Teknosains and working together in managing journals, exchanging articles, and distributing articles broadly together.

There is a change in publishing costs, before June 2019 the cost is still 500.000 IDR, but in December 2019, the cost is 750.000 IDR.

For metadata of the title on the website, we consider to change format from Capitalize each word to Sentence case. It will make easier for writers to enter in the manager application or Mendeley that uses the sentence case. It was started from Volume 9 No 1 (2019).

In Volume 9 No 1 (2019), we started to close book review and we added one article in each Number to eight regular articles.

For Turnitin checker, we only upload or send the turnitin result to the author(s) where the article has more than 15% of similiarities. Right now, we use iThenticate for Plagiarism Detection Software.

Starting December 2024, The editorial team refined the journal's focus and scope to make it more specific. Previously, the journal covered a broad range of Science and Technology studies across three main topics: Engineering, Basic Sciences, and Health Sciences. Now, Jurnal Teknosains concentrates on the field of Biomaterial Engineering, emphasizing the integration of engineering tools into biomedical applications.