User Guide For Author

Preparation Before Submission

Before submitting your article please ensure that it is prepared in accordance with the step-by-step guide below.

1 Jurnal Teknosains publishes two issues in a year with the first volume started in December. One issue contains seven articles and one book review.

2 Article should be submitted through online submission form in Microsoft Word format. the author must follow our Author guidelines format.

3 If the author would like to submit to Jurnal Teknosains, please take a look and read our publised articles that are in accordance with your article. For highly accessed articles (citedness in Scopus, Google Scholar, and internal journal statistics), please follow this link.

4 Please make sure that issues about publication ethics, peer review process, copyright, and references format have been appropriately considered

5 If your article is in English language, pelase provide proofreading certificate or translation certificate to prove that the author uses the standard English.

6 For the reference, we recommend the authors should use IEEE referencing style or  al least we also accept Harvard referencing style. Please Use Mendeley software for proper format, the author can follow the tutorial how to use Mendeley for references here.


Article Template

Please use this template as a guide when preparing your article.



Online Submission

1 Register as an author. For the submitting author, please use your primary email address (gmail) and do not use institution email for submission to avoid unsent email.

2 Prepare your final article. Before submitting your article please ensure that it is prepared in accordance with the Author Guidelines.

Please note that article does not follow the Author Guideline format will be Resubmit for Review or Decline Submission. 

3 Follow Submission guideline. If the author does not sure how to submit, please follow this link.

4 Follow every step in New submission when login as an author.

5 Last, do not forget to click Finish submission.

Please note that article already submitted to or published in Conference Proceedings are not accepted for publication in Jurnal Teknosains. 

Editor Decision (Screening)

The first step for Review Process after submission, Screening Section for new articles will be proceeded by our section editor. There are some decisions:

1 Resubmit for Review (If your article still does not meet our author guideline format, but potentially to proceed to the next step Review Process by Reviewer). The author can revise article after you receive email from us. Please, regulary check your email and track your article independently.

2 Decline Submission (If your article still does not meet our author guideline format and lack of analysis, literature, or references. Please the decision can  not be appealed.

3 Proceed to Review Process by Reviewer (If your article is ready for the next step).

If the status of your article is still Awaiting Assignment or Review Process, please wait until the status changes.

For a guide how to revise and upload your revision follow this link (Go to Revision section). 

Tracking your submission

The authors can monitor the status of their article independenly, through this link: submission ID,

for example

 *Please noted that Peer Review process takes 7-8 month for the minimum time. We encourage the authors to track the status by themselves and check your email regularly. All corresponding communication for this process will be notified by email.

If the status of your article has not changed yet, please wait until the status is change.

Reviewing Process

There are three steps in Reviewing Process:

1 Review Process by Editor. Our editor will give some comments to your article about standard format for articles in jurnal Teknosains.

2 Review Process by Reviewer (Double-Blind Review). Jurnal Teknosains uses double-blind review process. Reviewer gives an advise and suggestion to the Editor-in-chief in making the editorial decision. Except for the editor-in-chief, the editors and reviewers cannot discuss paper with any other person, including the authors.

3 Checking Plagiarism: The authors should ensure that they have written entirely original works. Please noted that if the authors have used the work and/or words of others that this has been appropriately cited or quoted, articles found with such problems are automatically rejected and authors are so advised. Also, significant parts of the work have not been published.

Your submission will be checked using anti-plagiarism software, Turnitin Software (as one of reputable software for anti-plagiarism software), our tolerance below 15%.



The author may revise several times to meet our criteria for standard quality.

The Author must respond to Reviewer and Editorial comments within 2 weeks of receipt by email. Be sure to include Revision Notes to insure that your response to comments and the associated article changes are clearly noted.

The author can download the review results or comments by email or this link: submission ID,

For example ,

Then follow the step-by-step here. 

The authors, who does not revise their article or ignore some notifications for revision, will be blacklisted for the submitter in the future submission.

Editor Decision (Final)

Congratulation! If we have reached a decision regarding your submission, our editor will send you an email. 

Final status for editor decision are Accepted or Decline submission. Please noted that all decisions can  not be appealed.

The final decision result normally completes within 7-8 months for the minimum time.

After Accepted Submission

Confirmation Publication, the author must fulfill two requirements in One Week, below:

1 If your paper is Accepted for publication, you will be asked to pay an Article Processing Charges (APC) Fee. The APC is 750.000 IDR in 2019. Follow this link Author fees.

2 Authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the research reported in the manuscript. The corresponding author has a responsibility to keep co-authors posted with the review process. If accepted, the author is required to give a signed statement that the research work is their original research work. Follow this link Copyright form.

 *The author who needs Letter of Acceptence (LoA) after Accepted Submission, may ask our staff for this inquiry.


After accepted for publication, our editor will do CopyEditing Process to all articles in one volume (7 articles) normally it will take two weeks or more. You can access the current edition and previous editions here


Printed Version

Normally printed version will be completed for printing in one month after the online version is published. After the payment, the author will have the right to receive one (1) printed copy of Jurnal Teknosains. 

Instruction: How to download cover for online version

However, if the authors need to download the cover of specific issue (started from volume 5 no 1, 2015), they can be downloaded. First, go to Archieves, then move your cursor to a specific issue which you want to download. Second, click on the right button of your mouse and choose copy image address. Last, paste in the new tab of your browser, so it can be downloaded automatically.


If you still have any queries about how to prepare your article for submission, please contact us here.