Muhammad Luthfi Majid(1*)

(1) Pusat Studi Pariwisata
(*) Corresponding Author


Market segmentation is the process of sorting out a market into groups group which contains similar consumers and selecting groups and individuals the right to be served. Determination tour bus segmentation Werkudoro based on demographic and psychographic needs to be done to prepare development management Werkudoro tour bus for tourists. This research is a descriptive study using survey. Object of this study is that consumers Werkudoro tour bus. Research this market segmentation is done in the city of Surakarta. in doing this study, the author uses descriptive analysis analyzer, cross tabulation and chi square. 

Based on the test frequency, demographic segment Werkudara tour bus market is women, as many as 68 people, or approximately 70.8%, educated as many as 85 people or 88.5%, to work as a private employee / self-employed up to 38 people, or approximately 39.6%, aged 20-40 year (early adulthood) which reached 55 people, or approximately 59.4%, and income per month more than 3 million who reached 50 people or 52.1%. Based on the test interval, it psychographic market segment Werkudoro tourist bus has a social class with an average score of 3,598 or relatively high/good, lifestyles with an average score of 3.427 or quite good, personality with an average score of 3,029 or relatively well. User perception of the management of the tour bus Werkudara is most respondents have a good perception, on the management of service (66.67%), both in the management of facilities (54.17%), both in the management of comfort (47.92%), both in management rate (46.88%), and a good perception on promotion management (51.04%). 


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