Halal Authentication of Toothpaste with FTIR Combine with Chemometrics
Gelatin is a raw material used in pharmaceutical and cosmetic preparations, one of which is toothpaste. Some of dental raw materials are imported from another country, and might contain porcine gelatin, Authentication of gelatin in toothpaste products is crucial due to religious and health reasons. The purpose of this study was to detect porcine gelatin in toothpaste raw materials using ATR-FTIR. Five samples of toothpaste were purchased from local market and detection was done using ATR-FTIR. The spectrum from each sample was compared against standard bovine and porcine gelatin. Experimental toothpaste containing bovine and porcine gelatin at concentrations of 5, 10, 15 and 20% were also prepared for quantification analysis. FTIR combine with chemometrics can be utilized as a reliable tool to detect gelatin in toothpaste and other pharmaceuticals.
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