β-Sitosterol: The Isolated Compound from n-Hexane Fraction of Baccaurea racemosa (Reinw. ex Blume) Müll. Arg. Pulp and Its Antioxidant Activity
Baccaurea racemosa is one of the most widespread plants in Indonesia. The constituent compound at Baccaurea racemosa influenced its biological activity. However, the isolation of compounds from the n-hexane fraction of B. racemosa pulp has never been reported. This study aimed to isolate and spectroscopic analysis of compound from n-hexane fraction of Baccaurea racemosa pulp and its antioxidant activity. The fraction of n-hexane was isolated using the preparative thin-layer chromatography (PLC) method. The purified compound was identified its structure compound using the spectroscopic method. Then the antioxidant activity was determined using a 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical scavenging assay. UV-Vis spectrum of isolated compounds revealed the absence of conjugated double bonds. Furthermore, the infrared spectrum showed OH, C-H aliphatic, C-O, C-H vanillic, and C=C groups. The molecular ion of the isolated compound was 414 g/mol. The NMR spectrum showed several peaks at various chemical shifts. Based on the spectral analysis, the isolated compound was indicated as β-sitosterol. This compound has antioxidant activity with IC50 > 2.4155 mM.
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