Representasi Penindasan Perempuan Dalam Novel Syurfatul Hawiyah Karya Ibrahim Nasrullah (Sebuah Tinjauan Feminisme Sastra)

  • Noor Amalia Fauzia Ali Universitas Gadjah Mada


The oppression of women is an issue that is currently being widely discussed. One of the Palestinian novelists, Ibrahim Nasrullah, raises this issue in his novel, Shurfatul Hawiyah, where feminism is one of the topics of discussionis novel, Shurfatul Hawiyah, where feminism is one of the topics of discussion. This article seeks to reveal the reality of the life of the female character in the novel. The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method that focuses on literature studies with a literary feminism approach, which is about the feminist side of female figures, especially in terms of physical or indirect oppression, facing various injustices between women and men, especially physical oppression, which is often carried out by men. Data analysis involves several stages of reduction, presentation, and drawing of conclusions. The results represent female figures who experience restrictions and oppression both in terms of sexuality and power relations. The space for women to move is limited, and it is even designed not to fight male dominance. This is what is meant by patriarchal culture.


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How to Cite
Ali, N. A. F. (2023). Representasi Penindasan Perempuan Dalam Novel Syurfatul Hawiyah Karya Ibrahim Nasrullah (Sebuah Tinjauan Feminisme Sastra). Middle Eastern Culture & Religion Issues, 2(2), 212-227.