Evaluasi Perubahan dan Kesesuaian Penggunaan Lahan Tahun 2019 Terhadap Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah (RTRW) di Kabupaten Bekasi

  • Dhimas Aulia Rochman Universitas Gadjah Mada
  • Rochmad Muryamto
Keywords: Perubahan penggunaan lahan, Kesesuaian penggunaan lahan, Rencana tata ruang wilayah, Perkotaan Kabupaten Bekasi, Penginderaan jauh


The common pattern of land use in urban areas is agricultural land shrinkage due to conversions to built-up land. Similar things happened in the Bekasi Regency, quoted from LAPAN data (2017), there has been a decline in rice fields by 0.59%whichgoes hand in hand with the increase of industrial land by 0.15% per year. Several conversions in land use that happened will influence the overall spatial structure of the region. If this phenomenon happens continuously, there will be disproportionate changes for each land use classification. This applicative activity aims to find out land use conversions in 2014-2019 and evaluate the land use compatibility in 2019 based on RTRW in the Bekasi Regency. The activity began by ensuring spatial classification by referring to PERDA No.12 of 2011 concerning RTRW, to the Spot 6 image of Bekasi Regency in 2014. Then, on-screen digitization is carried out to the Spot 6 image of Bekasi Regency to obtain2014land use data in shapefile format. Furthermore, an accuracy test is done using a confusion matrix to determine the value of accuracy by comparing the result of Spot 6 classification with reference on google earth’s pro historical image. Other data used are RTRW data and 2019 land use data in the Bekasi Regency area. The data is analyzed using the overlay menu. The largest land conversions occurred in the agricultural to industrial land conversion type, accounting for 78.1 ha. For the land use compatibility in 2019 to the RTRW, Pebayuran District has the largest compatibility inland use classification, accounting for 7196.38 ha


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How to Cite
Rochman, D. A., & Muryamto, R. (2023). Evaluasi Perubahan dan Kesesuaian Penggunaan Lahan Tahun 2019 Terhadap Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah (RTRW) di Kabupaten Bekasi. Journal of Geospatial Science and Technology, 1(1), 32-43. https://doi.org/10.22146/jgst.v1i1.5901