Spritualitas Filsafat Kontemporer (Memahami "Peran" dan "Relevansi" dalam Evolusi Kehidupan)


Joko Siswanto(1*)

(1) Universitas Gadjah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author


The confusion of modern spirituality’s vision thought out a
cultural model that destitute and insulted the sacred meaning of
life. Such situation expressed new awareness for the group of
contemporary philosopher in rethinking a new vision of life.
The new spirituality’s vision that presented by Chardin,
Whitehead, and Marcel is an effort regarded to understand the
character and God’s relevance with the evolution of life. The new
spirituality is drawn as a concrete thing or materialized. This new
spirituality is often viewed in the contradictory with classical ideas
of immaterialized transcendence. This kind of opinion is not true at
all; because the contemporary spirituality is not an unwilling of
everlasting truth of the transcendence vision of Allah, but the
spiritual energy should be erected in nature, body, and society
which are reflected as mystery mediation.


spirituality, life

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22146/jf.23197

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