Kebudayaan Jawa dan Urgensi Pembangunan Berjati Diri

Slamet Sutrisno(1*)
(1) Universitas Gadjah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author
development is urgent to study seriously. Indonesia structured by,
and has a lot of groups, religion and ethnicity which Java forms
the largest one having its long and enchants history. As a nationstate,
this country wants to improve existence by means of
development; by transferred immediately the concepts of
modernization. In additions to its success Indonesia got great
enough disaster due to the western concepts. Java is very potential
owing to its contents of how to perform development. With the
certainty of national identity we have to explore continuously the
rich of Javanese culture indicating the ontological,
epistemological and ethical values and also concepts of social and
political events. Javanese local genius is really very promising.
Full Text:
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