Voluntarisme (Filsafat Kehendak) dalam Filsafat Barat


Misnal Munir(1*)

(1) Universitas Gadjah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author


In the long history of Western Philosophy, philosophical
thoughts were dominated by rationalist clan. This rationalist clan
posed the mind (to think) as the essence of human-being (Cogito
Ergo Sum). The opinion of mind as the essence of human-being
was disagreed by voluntaries philosophers. Most of voluntaries
philosophers explicitly said that the essence of human-being laid
on its wish, I wish therefore I exist (Volo Ergo Sum).
The thing that became as the main analyses of this writing is
focused on what the modes of wish argued by voluntaries
philosophers. Its reason is wish appeared as a certain element of
human-being’s action. Therefore, in the beginning, it is important
to clarify the meaning of voluntarism philosophy, wish as the
attendant of rationality (mind), wish as the essence of humanbeing,
and finally many kind of voluntarism schools and their main philosophical thoughts will be described. In the conclusion of this writing, it was formulated that the progress of human civilization, according to voluntaries philosopher, could be carried out because of wishes impetus, whereas the purpose of human mind is to form them as reality.


voluntarism, wish

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22146/jf.23202

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