Notonagoro sebagai Homo Significans atas Ideologi Pancasila

Rizal Mustansyir(1*)

(1) Universitas Gadjah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author


Pancasila—as a representament, interpretant and object—
facing a dillematic problem in connection to ideal and a utopia
values that desired by the founding fathers and undesired activities
in the real life. Pancasila—as an icon, index and symbol that ought
to give oportunity for other interpretation, so we do not fall into a
monolitic interpretation that makes Pancasila become a trivial
thing, as in New Era.  The power of Pancasila does not lay at the
meaning that gave by political elite all, but it depends on all
community involvement to belong to Pancasila as a glorious
treasure of Indonesian nation that open to spirit and development
of the age. Notonagoro is a Pancasila homo significandum for his
attempt to reinterprate national ideology philosophically. He has
used substanstialistical analyzis with refer to the principle words of
each principles (God, man, one, people, and justice) was an
intelligent attempt to placed Pancasila in the abstract, general and
universal meaning. His concept of Pancasila—abstract, general and
universal—described the triadic of representament, object and


Pancasila, symbol, community involvement, homo- significandum, abstract, general, universal.

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