Identifying and Reducing Waste in the Chicken Carcass Production Process at PT. Ciomas Adisatwa

Ulfah Izdihar(1*), Novita Erma Kristanti(2), Nurbaiti Nurbaiti(3), Indira Hapsarini(4), Ayu Rahayu Saraswati(5)

(1) Institut Teknologi Sumatera
(2) Universitas Gadjah Mada
(3) Institut Teknologi Sumatera
(4) Institut Teknologi Sumatera
(5) Institut Teknologi Sumatera
(*) Corresponding Author


PT. Ciomas Adisatwa unit Berbah is one of poultry slaughter houses (RPA) in Yogyakarta which produce 2000 chicken/hour. Nevertheless, some production steps don't improve the finished product's worth. Considering RPA products are high-risk, waste and non-value-added processes must be eliminated. Therefore, this study aims to identify the causes of waste and find an appropriate system to reduce it. The methods used in this study include the VALSAT (Value Stream Analysis Tools) technique and future state mapping. Lean manufacturing is a concept used to reduce or eliminate waste in a production process. The identified waste in the production process at PT. Ciomas Adisatwa includes waiting activity, inappropriate processing, and unnecessary motion. The waiting activity was identified in the material weighing process because it was waiting for the DO (delivery order). Inapropriate processing occurs in hair removal rework at clean area. The third waste is unnecessary motion, movement that is not needed occurs in cutting operators and dirty processes. The proposed improvements to address these wastes include enhancing the integration of information flow systems using a computer network, adding a plucker machine, and clarifying the division of tasks for each workstation to avoid unnecessary motion.



chicken carcass; lean manufacturing; value stream mapping; waste

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