ASEAN Journal of Systems Engineering


ASEAN Journal of Systems Engineering (AJSE) is published by Master in Systems Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada as a mean for publishing scientific works in form of research papers, literature study, or scientific review on published articles, about systems engineering especially in the field of energy, industry and environment. The journal is published twice a year (February and August), in both print and online versions.





Call for Reviewers and Editors


ASEAN Journal of Systems Engineering (AJSE) seeks applications from enthusiastic researchers and scholars who can ensure a steady flow of engaging and thought-provoking original research publications. AJSE is a peer-reviewed international journal dedicated to publishing open access to original research, reports, and reviews. The journal is professionally managed by a team of editors drawn from the academic and practitioner community for fixed periods.

A High-quality scholarly communication of this nature requires the collaborative efforts of academics. AJSE seeks editors and reviewers who can continue the enduring and ongoing editorial and paper review successes to the next level and introduce the journal profile to different libraries and research centers worldwide. AJSE welcomes applications from editors and reviewers with strong academic backgrounds and Internationally recognized reputations. Applicants with significant publishing or reviewing experience will be preferred.

Please, send your applications by register: here

Best Regards,


Posted: 2024-08-06
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Vol 9, No 1 (2025): ASEAN Journal of Systems Engineering

Table of Contents


Farisan Robbani, Mohammad Kholid Ridwan, Arif Darmawan
10.22146/ajse.v9i1.77149 Abstract views : 564 | views : 112
Novy Ariyanto, Nugroho Adi Sasongko, Virny Zasyana Eka Putri, Hendro Subagyo, Siswanto Siswanto, Maya Larasati Donna Wardani, Nurus Sahari Laili, Annisa Indah Pratiwi, Ahmad Ismed Yanuar, Marini Septiani, Arif Rahman Hakim, Yaumil Putri Erlambang, Chintya Komala Sari, Ihsan Supono, Retno Ayu Widiyaningrum
10.22146/ajse.v9i1.101472 Abstract views : 841 | views : 282
Putri Prima, Ahmad Agus Setiawan, Nugroho Dewayanto
10.22146/ajse.v9i1.79689 Abstract views : 297 | views : 97
Agni Nurfalah, Bakti Setiawan, Nugroho Dewayanto
10.22146/ajse.v9i1.79545 Abstract views : 479 | views : 143
Aska Ramadhan, Bertha Maya Sopha, Mohammad Kholid Ridwan
10.22146/ajse.v9i1.78322 Abstract views : 383 | views : 120