The frequency of DISC1 Leu607Phe gene polymorphism in schizophrenia patients at Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya

gwenny Ichsan Prabowo(1*), Margarita Maria Maramis(2), Erikavitri Yulianti(3), Afrina Zulaikah(4), Zain Budi Syulthoni(5), Hendy Muagiri Margono(6), Retno Handajani(7)
(1) Departement of Biochemistry, Medicine Faculty, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya,
(2) Department of Psychiatry, Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya
(3) Department of Psychiatry, Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya
(4) Department of Psychiatry, Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Surabay
(5) Department of Psychiatry, Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya
(6) Department of Psychiatry, Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya
(7) Departement of Biochemistry, Medicine Faculty, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Institute of Tropical Disease, Universitas Airlangga,Surabaya, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author
Schizophrenia is a common health problem in the world, including in Indonesia.
Polymorphism of gene disrupted in schizophrenia 1 (DISC1) Leu607Phe is allegedly related
to the predisposition to schizophrenia. However, studies on the relationship between
polymorphism of DISC1 Leu607Phe and schizophrenia in various etnics provided different
results. The purpose of this study was to determine the frequency of DISC1 Leu607Phegene
polymorphism and its association with treatment response in patients with schizophrenia
at Department of Psychiatry, Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya. In this study, the
number of male patients with schizophrenia was more than that of the female patients.
The mean age of male patients with schizophenia was lower than that of the female
patients. Schizophrenia patients were primarily came from Javanese ethnic with positive
and negative symptom score (PANSS) lower in male patients than that in the female
patients. In conclusion, no DISC1 gene polymorphism at codon 607 is observed in
schizophrenia patients at Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya, but the G nucleotide
variation at the number 196.339 in intron regions is found instead.
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