A deterministic and stochastic approach to analyze carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury in rats
Ngadikun Ngadikun(1*)
(*) Corresponding Author
A new spectrometrical method was developed to determine a marker for liver damage. The aims of this study was
to investigate the pattern of cellular interaction in EDTA-blood spectrometrically in rats that induced by carbon
tetrachloride (CCl4). Eight of white male rats (Rattus norvegicus L), aged of 2 months with body weight of 160-210
g were divided into two groups with 4 rats in each group. The first group as control were not fed and the second
group as treatment were fed with 0.1 mL/kgBW CCl4 for 21 weeks. At the end of the experiment, rats were fasted
overnight, 3.0 mL of blood was drawn from the vena orbitalis for spectrometrical and biochemical estimation. Rats
were then sacrificed and the liver tissue was used for histological assessment. All data were analyzed with t-test.
Histopathological studies of treated group showed the damage of the liver cells compared with control group. The
results showed no significant difference in ALT (p = 0.12) and AST (p = 0.19) but significant difference in AST/
ALT ratio (p = 0.01) between 2 groups was observed. The deterministic and stochastic approaches showed no
significant differences in k7 (p = 0.11) but significant difference in k6 (p = 0.00) and k8 (p = 0.00). It was
concluded that the combination of deterministic and stochastic approaches can be used to determine a marker for
liver damage.
Key words : CCl4-induced liver injury – dendrogram – deterministic - stochastic approach - non-functional plasma
enzymes - Rattus norvegicus.
to investigate the pattern of cellular interaction in EDTA-blood spectrometrically in rats that induced by carbon
tetrachloride (CCl4). Eight of white male rats (Rattus norvegicus L), aged of 2 months with body weight of 160-210
g were divided into two groups with 4 rats in each group. The first group as control were not fed and the second
group as treatment were fed with 0.1 mL/kgBW CCl4 for 21 weeks. At the end of the experiment, rats were fasted
overnight, 3.0 mL of blood was drawn from the vena orbitalis for spectrometrical and biochemical estimation. Rats
were then sacrificed and the liver tissue was used for histological assessment. All data were analyzed with t-test.
Histopathological studies of treated group showed the damage of the liver cells compared with control group. The
results showed no significant difference in ALT (p = 0.12) and AST (p = 0.19) but significant difference in AST/
ALT ratio (p = 0.01) between 2 groups was observed. The deterministic and stochastic approaches showed no
significant differences in k7 (p = 0.11) but significant difference in k6 (p = 0.00) and k8 (p = 0.00). It was
concluded that the combination of deterministic and stochastic approaches can be used to determine a marker for
liver damage.
Key words : CCl4-induced liver injury – dendrogram – deterministic - stochastic approach - non-functional plasma
enzymes - Rattus norvegicus.
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