Preventive actions to minimizing the coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) transmissions among health workers: a systematic review

Santy Irene Putri(1), Ayu Anulus(2*)

(1) Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang,
(2) Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Al-Azhar Mataram
(*) Corresponding Author


On mid February 2020, the World Health Organization declared an outbreak of a new type of respiratory disease originated from Wuhan, China, which was identified as coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19). After a long-standing status of COVID-19-free, on March 2nd, 2020, Indonesia finally broke its first cases. This study aimed to systematically review preventive actions to minimizing the COVID-19 transmissions among health workers. The articles were selected from Google Scholar, World Cat, PROQUEST, PUBMED journal databases published from January to April 2020. The keywords for this review included “COVID-19” or “Corona” and “health behavior” or “health promotion” or “wash hands” or “health workers”. A total of 2,809 articles generated from the databases, the authors identified seven articles of preventing the COVID-19 virus outbreak among the health care workers in the world around 2019-2020. The studies reported that health care workers tried to prevent the COVID-19 transmission by doing social distancing, using the right personal protective equipment (PPE), handwashing, screening for in-person visit, and telemedicine. Health care workers have additional responsibility of protecting the patients and their self. Some issues may be unique to different health care workers departments, the majority of challenges faced by health care workers globally are similar.


COVID-19; corona; health behavior; health promotion; health workers;

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