Janatin Hastuti, Janatin Hastuti
Vol 39, No 01 (2007) - Articles
Body Constitution, grip stregth, and Vital Capacity of Children 15 to 18 Years in Samigaluh Highland and Galur Lowland Kulonprogo Yogyakarta
Abstract -
Vol 37, No 04 (2005) - Articles
Anthropometric characteristics of children 7 to 12 years old in high altitude and low altitude, a study of growth adaptation in Samigaluh and Galur Districs, Kulon Progo Regency, Yogyakarta Province
Abstract PDF (Bahasa Indonesia) -
Vol 36, No 1 (2004) - Articles
Allometrical correlation of biacromial and bicristal breadth to height growth in 7-15 years old children in Bantul Regency Yogyakarta Province
Abstract PDF (Bahasa Indonesia) -
Vol 36, No 3 (2004) - Articles
Sexual dimorphism of pelvimetry in children at the circum puberal age: A study of children in lmogiri District Bantu! Regency Yogyakarta Special Provinc
Abstract PDF (Bahasa Indonesia)
ISSN: 2356-3931