Praktik Deskripsi dan Klasifikasi Khazanah Arsip Paku Alam V (1878-1900) di Puro Pakualaman Yogyakarta

Iskarohma binti Nurhamidyah(1*), Yofa Pradhani Nabillah(2), Lillyana Mulya(3)
(1) Universitas Gadjah Mada
(2) Universitas Gadjah Mada
(3) Universitas Gadjah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author
archives is still limited. For this reason, this paper intends to explain the arrangement and description of Paku Alam V archives in Puro Pakualaman. This research, which using qualitative descriptive methods, analyzed the main data obtained from participatory observation in the
process of organizing the Paku Alam V archive, especially the classification and description stages. The conclusion of this study, namely the classification and description of the Paku Alam V archives, shows that the Pakualaman government has two administrative structures which form the basis of archival grouping. In addition, archival descriptions written in local languages indicate that access to this information is still limited to local researchers or those who understand Javanese source languages, as a language of the majority of Paku Alam V archives. Moreover, knowledge of the classification system and description above can be a guide to read
the archives in its history as a formal communication medium for the zelfbestuur government in Yogyakarta.
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