Alianto Alianto(1*), Enan M. Adiwilaga(2), Ario Damar(3), Enang Harris(4)

(1) Department of Fishery, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Fishery and Marine Science, Papua State University, Jalan Gunung Salju, Manokwari 98314
(2) Department of Fisheries Resources Management, Faculty of Fishery and Marine Science, Bogor Institute of Agriculture, Jalan Lingkar Akademik, Bogor 16680
(3) Department of Fisheries Resources Management, Faculty of Fishery and Marine Science, Bogor Institute of Agriculture, Jalan Lingkar Akademik, Bogor 16680
(4) Department of Fishery Cultivation, Faculty of Fishery and Marine Science, Bogor Institute of Agriculture, Jalan Lingkar Akademik, Bogor 16680
(*) Corresponding Author


At a few this last years, measurement concentration of dissolved inorganic nutrient is has rapidlyed grow by using various methods. But method anything applied must based on at formation of indicator end of measurement amonia, nitrite, nitrate, orthophosphate and silicate. At measurement of amonia its indicator is formation of blue indophenol, nitrite formation of pink azo, nitrate formation of yellow colored solution, orthophosphate formation of blue molybdenum, and silicate based on formation of yellows silicomolibdate. The intensity of color that is highly dependent on the concentration of each element. Measurement of amonia blue indophenol intensity perfected concentration in the range 0.206-0.396 mg/L. Measurement nitrite the formation of a pink azo easy imperfect because its low concentration. Intensity measurements nitrate solution yellow perfect concentration in the range 0.128-0.989 mg/L. Measurement of imperfect blue molybdenum intensity orthophosphate because its low concentration. While measuring the formation silicate of yellow silicomolibdate  perfect concentration on the range 10.573-26.470 mg/L. As a whole from result of measurement is obtained chemical composition of dissolved inorganic nutrient in euphotic zone the Banten bay is more predominated by silicate 97.27%, nitrate 1.84%, amonia 0.49%, orthophosphate 0.20%, and nitrite 0.18%.


blue indophenol; pink azo; yellow solution; blue molybdenum; yellow silicomolibdate

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