Nunuk H Soekamto(1*), Sjamsul A Achmad(2), Emilio L Ghisalberti(3), Euis H Hakim(4), Yana M Syah(5)
(1) Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Hasanuddin University, Jl Perintis Kemerdekaan km 10 Makasar Indonesia 90245
(2) Chemistry Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Bandung Institute Technology, Jl Ganeca 10 Bandung Indonesia 40132
(3) Department of Chemistry, University of Western Australia Nedlands, Western Australia 6907
(4) Chemistry Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Bandung Institute Technology, Jl Ganeca 10 Bandung Indonesia 40132
(5) Chemistry Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Bandung Institute Technology, Jl Ganeca 10 Bandung Indonesia 40132
(*) Corresponding Author
Two stilbene derivatives namely lunularin and oxyresveratrol were isolated from Morus macroura Miq. (Moraceae), a rare spesies found in West Sumatera and endemic to Indonesia. The structure of all these compounds were elucidated based on physical and spectroscopic data.
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