The Study of Phosphate Release from Artificial Sediment into Water Body Using Diffusive Gradient in Thin Film (DGT) Device in Oxic Condition

Ardina Purnama Tirta(1*), Asep Saefumillah(2), Foliatini Foliatini(3), Herawati Herawati(4)
(1) Department of Analytical Chemistry, Polytechnic AKA Bogor, Jl. Pangeran Sogiri No.283, Tanah Baru, Bogor 16154, West Java, Indonesia
(2) Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Indonesia, Depok Campus, Depok 16424, Indonesia
(3) Department of Analytical Chemistry, Polytechnic AKA Bogor, Jl. Pangeran Sogiri No.283, Tanah Baru, Bogor 16154, West Java, Indonesia
(4) Department of Analytical Chemistry, Polytechnic AKA Bogor, Jl. Pangeran Sogiri No.283, Tanah Baru, Bogor 16154, West Java, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author
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