On the Hypolipidemic Activity of Elicited Soybeans: Evidences Based on Computational Analysis
Feri Eko Hermanto(1), Warsito Warsito(2), Muhaimin Rifa'i(3), Nashi Widodo(4*)
(1) Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Brawijaya University, Jl. Veteran, Malang 65145, East Java, Indonesia
(2) Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Brawijaya University, Jl. Veteran, Malang 65145, East Java, Indonesia; Essential Oil Institute, Brawijaya University, Jl. Veteran, Malang 65145, East Java, Indonesia
(3) Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Brawijaya University, Jl. Veteran, Malang 65145, East Java, Indonesia; Biosystem Study Center, Brawijaya University, Jl. Veteran, Malang 65145, East Java, Indonesia
(4) Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Brawijaya University, Jl. Veteran, Malang 65145, East Java, Indonesia; Biosystem Study Center, Brawijaya University, Jl. Veteran, Malang 65145, East Java, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22146/ijc.75777
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