Journal History

The Indonesian Journal of Medical Education (Jurnal Pendidikan Kedokteran Indonesia/JPKI) is a nationally recognised and reputable journal, and it is the first journal in health and medical education in Indonesia. This journal was established as a collaborative initiative between the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia and the Association of Indonesia Medical Schools (AIPKI). The mission of this peer-reviewed journal is to disseminate the current and best practices in medical and health professions education at the undergraduate, postgraduate and professional levels, including continuing professional development. Since the vast development of medical and health professional majors in Indonesia, the journal collaborated with the Indonesian College of Medical and Health Professions Education (IAM-HPE) to strengthen and widen the journal's scope.

This journal has been nationally accredited by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia since 2015 (No.1/E/KPT/2015) in predicate SINTA 2. The accreditation predicate has been reaccredited and maintained in 2020 (No. 85/M/KPT/2020).

JPKI published three annual issues (i.e., March, July, and November); since 2022, JPKI has published four issues annually (i.e., March, June, September and December). The journal is available online and in printed versions. The printed version is available for customers upon order for each issue.