Jurnal Psikologi

Vol 51, No 1 (2024)



We are thrilled to announce the release of latest update for our new aim and scope.

We’re excited to share a new article that delves into the focus and scope of the Jurnal Psikologi. This comprehensive piece provides an in-depth look at the journal’s aim to disseminate empirical quantitative research on psychological science. Discover more about their commitment to enhancing scientific psychology knowledge that is applicable to psychological problems.

Don’t miss out on this insightful read! Check out the full article here. https://jurnal.ugm.ac.id/jpsi/pages/view/FocusandScope#

Posted: 2024-05-17
More Announcements...

Jurnal Psikologi (jpsi) is an open-access and peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing novel research in the field of psychology. Details on our focus and scope can be viewed here. Jurnal Psikologi (jpsi) is published three times a year April, August, December and accepts current research articles that have the potential to make a significant contribution to the exploration and development of psychology and behavioral sciences. Articles submitted to this journal must display a well-thought-out study design, appropriate data analysis, and interpretation.

Jurnal Psikologi (jpsi) has been accredited by National Journal Accreditation (ARJUNA) Managed by Ministry of Research, and Technology / National Research and Innovation Agency of Republic Indonesia with Second Grade (Sinta 2), Certificate Number: 105/E/KPT/2022 Certificate Title: Accreditation Rank of Scientific Journal 1st Period of 2022 Certificate Date: April 7, 2022. This journal is also acknowledged by the ASEAN citation index, Dimension, and DOAJ.

Jurnal Psikologi (jpsi), Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta  is in collaboration with Ikatan Psikologi Klinis (IPK), Asosiasi Psikologi Industri dan Organisasi (APIO), Asosiasi Psikologi Islam (API).

Jurnal Psikologi ISSN 2460 867X (online) ISSN 0215-8884 (print)

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