

Mohamad Yusuf(1*)

(1) Universitas Gadjah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author


Indonesia, the world’s fourth most populous nation, is 86 percent Muslim—and the largest Islamic country. Ethnically the country is highly diverse, with over 580 languages and dialects—but only 13 have more than one million speakers. Among the main ethnic groups are  Javanese, Sundanese, Batakese, Indonesian (Malay) and Madurese. Although  more  than  85  percent  of  the  Indonesian  population  is  Muslim,  Indonesia  is  not  a  religion-based state. Indonesia’s ideology is Pancasila (five principles) which are: belief in the one and only God; just and civilized humanity; the unity of Indonesia; deliberation for consensus; and social justice for all of Indonesia’s people. Pancasila stresses that Indonesia is neither a secular nor religious-based state.  The Constitution provides for all persons the right to worship according to his or her own religion or belief.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22146/jh.22558

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