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Vol. 36 (2), 2024

Festival and Urban Identity: A Case Study of the Malang Flower Carnival in Yogyakarta
Nindyo Budi Kumoro; Franciscus Apriwan; Lailatul Maghfiroh; Abdul Charis Albahri
Department of Anthropology, Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia

Cultural festivals, often called carnivals, events, and celebrations, have become prominent showcases in various cities throughout Indonesia. In the post-New Order era, numerous public cultural festivals held in different Indonesian cities are propelled by at least two main objectives: promoting tourism and embracing the essence of regionalism and traditional revival in response to previous centralization policies. This study aims to examine a group of fashion festival performances in Malang City, East Java, known as the Malang Flower Carnival (MFC). This group originates in the festival scene that has existed in Malang since 2010. In 2022, the MFC took a different path by abstaining from holding its fashion festival in Malang. Instead, they participated in a distinct fashion festival in Yogyakarta, specifically the Jogja Fashion Carnival 2022. The involvement and presentation of the MFC within the Jogja Fashion Carnival context present a captivating opportunity for deeper exploration. This exploration centres around how the MFC, as a representation of Malang's cultural identity, is showcased to another city's public. Employing an ethnographic approach, this research intends to investigate the extent to which the identity of Malang City is integrated into the MFC's participation at the Jogja Fashion Carnival. A central query arises: How do visitors react to the MFC's portrayal of Malang's cultural essence, as depicted through the exhibited costumes?

Migration, Aging Farmer, and Strategies for Maintaining Food Security
Firdaus Marbun
Research Center for Population, National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia

One of the threats to agricultural sustainability and food security in the future is the aging of farmers. The reluctance of youth to work in the agricultural sector and their choice to migrate to the cities has implicated for stagnant regeneration of farmers and leaving agricultural management to the old farmers. Farmer aging not only has impact on decreasing production yields but also agricultural sustainability. Regardless of the impact on decreased production, it is important to see how aging farmers deal with their limited abilities by continuing to rely on agriculture as a source of subsistence. This research was conducted on rice farmers in the village of Parbotihan, North Sumatra using qualitative methods and data collection techniques through observation and in-depth interviews. The findings in this study are the change of youth orientation to migrate and stay in the cities that is influenced by getting better education. Leaving management of agricultural land for old farmers means that farmers must continue to be active in farming to meet their needs. Therefore, one of the efforts made by farmers as a form of their strategy in overcoming their limitations is to make the cultivation process more flexible. Moreover, due to changes towards the flexibility of the process, farmers also choose short-lived plant species. So that way, they still have a season once a year and remain productive.

Discourse of Khakot Lampung Dance as A Political Technology of The Body to Make Individuals Obedient
Sulhan Jamil; Kasiyan Kasiyan
Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia

This article examines the role of Lampung's traditional Khakot dance as a political technological discourse that influences the body to make individuals obedient to the social values and norms of Lampung culture. This research focuses on three issues. First, the form of representation of the body that complies with the social values and norms of Lampung culture in Khakot dance. Second, the process of forming a body that complies with the social values and norms of Lampung culture in Khakot dance. Third, identifying factors that influence individual compliance with socio-cultural values and norms in the context of Khakot dance. This study uses a critical discourse analysis paradigm and uses primary and secondary data. Analysis of all data obtained is carried out contextually and contextually using Michel Foucault's body discipline theory which is presented in a qualitative descriptive form. The results showed that the representation of the body that obeys the social values and norms of Lampung culture is reflected in aspects of Khakot dance performances, including the selection of costume forms and choreographic forms including movement and floor pattern composition. The process of forming the body to be obedient to the social values and norms of Lampung culture in the context of Khakot dance involves formal and non-formal education, as well as through socio-cultural activities in Lampung society. Factors that influence individual compliance, due to social control, normalization, and panopticon.

Cup, Cup, Jangan Nangis! Language Socialization Study of Parents' Responses to Children's Cries
Wira Kurniawati; Clorinda Zakiyya Putri; Amanda Aurelia Nugroho
Department of Languages and Literature, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia

There are various things that are socialized by parents through their actions and speech, even when responding to their child's cries. This paper intends to investigate the actions and speech of parents when responding to their child's crying and the socialization contained therein. To get an explanation, this qualitative research was conducted by distributing questionnaires via the Google form which were distributed by snowball sampling through WhatsApp groups and Twitter resulting in 98 answers, then followed by interviews with 24 families, and observations in two families. It was found that parents' responses were conveyed through one, two, or more speech acts that include directive in the form of prohibitions, advice, encouragement or invitations; expressive in the form of an expression of surprise, mockery, affection; asking using general questions, assurance, investigation, and rhetorical; and assertive in the form of statements and affirmations. Meanwhile, there are various socialization functions contained in these speech acts, such as affective socialization (in the form of caring or concern and reassurance), self-knowledge socialization (in the form of self-confidence, prudence), socialization of gender identity (maturity and gender), religiosity, shame, causal logic or the consequences, and even logical fallacy for blaming something that actually has nothing to do with the cause of the child falling.

The Philosophy of Ethnobotanical Use and Transformation of Jamasan Pusaka Tradition in the Pendopo of Batang District
Ema Kartika; Harto Wicaksono
Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia

Tradisi jamasan pusaka merupakan praktik budaya di Kabupaten Batang yang melibatkan berbagai jenis tanaman dalam ritualnya. Tumbuh sebagai bagian integral dari warisan budaya, mempunyai peranan penting dalam menjaga keseimbangan paralelisme dan keterkaitan antara makrokosmos dan mikrokosmos. Seiring berkembangnya zaman, unsur-unsur dalam tradisi jamasan pun mengalami berbagai perubahan. Tujuan artikel ini adalah untuk membaca hubungan dan perubahan pengetahuan etnobotani dalam tradisi jamasan. Selain itu juga untuk menganalisis transformasi fungsi imanen tumbuhan dan fungsi transendental yang dimaknai manusia melalui tradisi Jamasan Pusaka. Atas dasar itu, tulisan ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan etnografi. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan, terdapat 19 jenis tumbuhan yang terlibat dalam tradisi jamasan. Keterlibatan tumbuhan dalam tradisi jamasan bersumber dari pengetahuan masyarakat lokal karena mempunyai fungsi imanen dan transendental yang penting bagi keberlangsungan tradisi jamasan pusaka. Oleh karena itu, terdapat tiga klasifikasi penggunaan tumbuhan sebagai bahan wajib berdasarkan makna imanen, makna simbolik, dan bahan tidak wajib. Jamasan tidak hanya dimaknai sebagai pembersihan pusaka, namun juga dimaknai sebagai pedoman hidup untuk menjalani hidup seutuhnya. Dalam praktiknya, pusaka jamasan mengalami berbagai transformasi. Perubahan fungsi sakral menjadi profan dan makna imanen menjadi transendental serta merekonstruksi eksistensi jamasan pada era saat ini.

Women’s Motivation in Utilizing Culture for Sustainable Economic Improvement at Desa Pesanggrahan: An Antro-Psychological Perspective
Lilik Wahyuni; Alifiulahtin Utaminingsih; Dhia Al Uyun; Harsuko Riniwati; Wike Wike; Eti Setyiawati; Nabila Sella Almira; Nur Hikmah Arifin
Women Studies, Graduate School, Brawijaya University, Indonesia

Women play a crucial role in driving advancements in the national economy in alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals. This research seeks to offer an unbiased understanding of the motivational levels, perspectives, and roles of women in Desa Pesanggrahan, contributing to the development of their cultural landscape. This research uses a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. The data used in this research came from the local documents, interviews, and observations conducted from August to September 2023. The subjects were women who are active members of the Family Welfare Development (PKK) community in Desa Pesanggrahan, Mojokerto, East Java. This research employed three main analytical steps: data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The result of this research found that women in Desa Pesanggrahan still have low motivation based on Maslow’s theory. This affects their ability to generate innovative ideas and make independent decisions in the development of local culture. Women tend to select men as their leaders, as they often lack the confidence to assume leadership roles in the village. Their role in the village is overshadow by men in developing their culture.


Shadow Play: Information Politics in Urban Indonesia
Pamerdyatmaja Pamerdyatmaja
Departement of Anthropology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia

Shadow Play provides an insight into urban studies in Indonesia by showing Yogyakarta as a space of interaction with research on relocation among development discourses. Relocation was often under the unilateral regulatory power of the state (government) in the new order era. Gibbings offers a new perspective in which the relocation of traders is not solely focused on the displacement of a group of people but shows the tug-of-war in drafting agreements after the authoritarian regime's collapse through the 1998 reform agenda. In this book, Gibbings includes two introductory arguments to evoke the reader. First, the study of politics and information control is a subject relation that can change at any time, along with the involvement of stakeholders daily. Second, by focusing on the politics of information, Gibbings exposes the relationship between the state and its citizens, particularly in post-authoritarian situations.