Class and Gender in Older People Care in Rural Yogyakarta

Ciptaningrat Larastiti(1*), Hanny Widjaya(2), Ben White(3)
(1) SurveyMETER and Research Team at Care Network in Later Life in Indonesia (University of Southampton & Atma Jaya Katolik University)
(2) Independent Researcher
(3) Emeritus Professor of Rural Sociology at the International Institute of Social Studies, The Hague
(*) Corresponding Author
of older-people care. We found great variation in the age at which engagement in productive and reproductive work declines and people enter the state of dependency. Older people may be receivers, or providers of care for younger dependents. As older people live longer, complex tri- and even quadri-generational care arrangements become more common. Class, gender and intergenerational relations shape care relations and practices. State and community programmes for older people, when functioning properly, can be of great importance to poorer households,
even though the access is uneven and they do not always match older people’s care needs. Commodified (purchased) care provision is found in some relatively prosperous households, but rarely in the ‘classes of labour’, the landless and near-landless peasants, and worker households that make up the majority of the population.
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