Editorial Policies

  1. Manuscript Submission: Author submits manuscript
  2. Preliminary Review: The managing editor first reviews the manuscript to ensure that it conforms to the journal's scope and policies. If not appropriate, the manuscript may be rejected before it enters the review process.
  3. Peer Review: Manuscripts that pass the preliminary review are then assigned to reviewers who are experts in the relevant field. Reviewers will evaluate the manuscript for quality, methodology, novelty, clarity, and relevance. The result of the review is a recommendation to accept, reject, or revise.
  4. Editorial Decision: The editor considers the review results and decides whether the manuscript is accepted, rejected, or requires revision.
  5. Revision: If necessary, authors are asked to revise the manuscript in accordance with the suggestions and comments provided by reviewers and editors.
  6. Final Preparation: The revised manuscript is checked to ensure that it meets the formatting, writing style, and referencing standards set by the journal.
  7. Publishing: The finalized manuscript is then prepared for publication. This includes text structuring, page generation, arrangement of figures or tables, and preparation of metadata for indexing.
  8. Online Publication: The prepared manuscript will be published online on the AJDHM website.
  9. Monitoring and Evaluation: The journal monitors the quality and performance of published articles and collects feedback from readers and authors to continuously improve the editorial process.

This editorial process aims to ensure that the published research is of high quality, trustworthy, and relevant for readers who want to access the newest information.