Peer Review Process

I. Submit Article

Authors submit their scientific articles according to the scope of their research topics.

II. Desk Screening

The managing editor receives the article and examines the manuscript for any indicators of plagiarism, study misconduct and related to the AJDHM scope. The Managing Editor makes a provisional decision on the manuscript:

  • Accept: The author will get a preliminary screening format
  • Recommend to other partner journals
  • Reject: The manuscript is rejected.

III. Administrative Check

Articles that have been received by the managing editor will then be checked by the production unit regarding the initial format screening. Based on the check by the production unit, there are 2 interim decisions:

  • Accept: the manuscript will enter the review process by reviewers
  • Reject: Manuscript is rejected.

IV. Review Process by Reviewers

       1. Reviewers evaluate manuscripts based on various criteria such as:

  • Scientific Quality: Validity of methodology, accuracy of data, statistical analysis.
  • Originality: Novelty and contribution to the field.
  • Clarity: Structure of writing, clarity of data presentation, and argument.
  • Relevance: Appropriateness to the scope of the journal and contribution to the existing literature.
  1. Reviewers provide constructive feedback, suggest revisions, or recommend rejection.

V. Interim Decision by Managing Editor

Based on the reviews of the reviewers, the Managing Editor makes a provisional decision on the manuscript:

  • Accept Without Revision: The manuscript is accepted as is.
  • Accept with Minor Revisions: The author is asked to make minor revisions before the manuscript is accepted.
  • Major Revisions Required: Authors are asked to make significant revisions and the manuscript will be sent back to the reviewers for re-evaluation.
  • Reject: The manuscript is rejected.

VI. Revision by Author

  1. Authors make revisions according to the reviewers' feedback and resubmit the revised manuscript through the manuscript management system.
  2. Revisions may take several rounds, depending on the reviewer feedback and the level of improvement required.

VII. Re-evaluation by Reviewers (if required)

The revised manuscript can be sent back to the original reviewer or a new reviewer for re-evaluation.

VIII. Final Decision by Managing Editor

Once all revisions are completed and deemed adequate, the Managing Editor makes the final decision to accept the manuscript.

IX. Delivery to Production Unit

Accepted manuscripts are sent to the Production Unit for the pre-publication process, which includes:

  • Proofreading: Checking for grammar, spelling, and formatting errors.
  • Layouting: Arranging the manuscript according to the journal publication format.

X. Publication

After all the revisions and preparations are completed, the manuscript is published in an upcoming issue of the journal, either in print or electronic format.