Increasing the Bearing Capacity of Shallow Foundations on Soft Soil After the Installation of Micro-Piles
The bearing capacity of shallow foundations on soft soils can generally be estimated based on Local Shear Failure (Terzaghi theory). Several researchers previously stated that the installation of micro-piles on the failure area (slide) can increase the shear strength of the soil. This can be followed up by providing micro-pile reinforcement to prevent lateral soil movement. Therefore, this research was conducted to increase the bearing capacity of shallow foundations on medium-consistency soft clay soils that have been reinforced with micro piles. The research was conducted using modeling in the laboratory with a scale of 1:30. The soil sample used was kaolin clay made from slurry made from kaolin powder with a water content (wc = 1.77 LL), liquid limit (LL = 62.35%) and sample diameter (d = 33 cm). The slurry was formed by compacting at a medium consistency level with an undrained cohesion value (cu = 0.397 kg cm-2). The micro-pile material in the form of apus bamboo was installed, varying in diameter (d) 0.2 cm (0.027 B), 0.3 cm (0.04 B), and 0.5 cm (0.07 B); sum (n) 4, 9, 16, and 25; and length (L) 10 cm (1.33B), 13 cm (1.73B), and 16 cm (2.13B) micro-piles. While the foundation model uses a squarefoundation B x B with B = 7.5 cm. The tests were carried out before and after the micro-piles were reinforced with a soil shear failure test. The results showed that a decrease of 0.1B caused an increase in the ultimate bearing capacity of the micro-pile (qult-empirical, 0.1B) from the ultimate bearing capacity before installing the micro-pile. This value is then used to determine the ultimate bearing capacity ratio so that Rq,0.1B = qult-empirical,0.1B/qult-Terzaghiwith the optimum bearing capacity ratio occurring at Rq,0.1Bwith n3 = 16, d2 = 0.04B, L2= 1.73B.
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