A comparison study on the blood transfusion reaction between the elective and the emergency operation’s patients

Hidayati Samsiarah Ishandono Dachlan(1*)

(*) Corresponding Author


Blood transfusion is principally a process of transferring blood or blood components from one individual (the donor) to
another individual (the recipient). Blood transfusion can be either a life saving condition or a life threatening situation due
to the complications happened. Therefore, blood transfusion should be conducted with clear and accurate indication in
order to obtain a condition in which the advantages outweighs the disadvantages. The aim of this study was to evaluate
the differences of the blood transfusion reactions between the patients underwent the emergency surgery with the
elective surgery. This was a cross sectional study using data from the medical records from January to December 2009
and from the observation on blood transfusion patients from January to May 2010. Data were analyzed using independent
t-test, Chi-square test or the logistic regression, with 95% confidence interval (p<0.05). Two hundred and sixty eight
data from medical records and directly observation on blood transfusion patients were obtained during the study. The
were significant differences of patient reactions after blood transfusion on both types of operation and blood components
transferred (p<0.05).The transfusion reactions were more frequent in emergency surgery (54.9%) compared with
elective surgery (30.5%). Based on types of blood component transfered, the transfusion reaction was more frequent
after Whole Blood/WB transfusion (84.9%) compared with Packed Red Cell/PRC transfusion (25.1%) and Fresh Frozen
Plasma/FFP transfusion (25%). The types of operation and blood products had been proven to be the risk factors in blood
transfusion. Moreover the blood products contributed more in the transfusion reactions compared with the types of
operation (p<0.05). Amount of transfused blood based on haemoglobin correction formula on both the emergency or
elective operations was not significantly different (p>0.05). In conclusion, blood transfusion reactions happened more
frequently in emergency surgery than elective surgery. The WB also generated transfusion reaction more frequently than
the PRC. The amount of blood required based on hemoglobin correction formula for most patients was similar to the blood
Key words: blood transfusion-type of operation-transfusion reaction - whole blood-haemoboglobin correction formula

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Copyright (c) 2015 Hidayati Samsiarah Ishandono Dachlan

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