The study of fauna and vectorial competency of mosquito (Diptera:Culicidae) at Satu’un Village, Muara Uya Subdistrict, Tabalong District, South Kalimantan Province

Puspawati Tri Baskoro T. Satoto Mahardika A.W(1*)

(*) Corresponding Author


In Indonesia, mosquito-transmitted diseases such as malaria, dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF), and filariasis, still
become main public health problems. Mosquito species which usually act as disease vector are Aedes sp, Culex sp,
Anopheles sp and Mansonia sp. The aim of this study was to comprehend the mosquito fauna, bionomical and vector
competence of Aedes sp, Culex sp, Anopheles sp and Mansonia sp at Santu’un Village, Muara Uya Subdistrict,
Tabalong District, South Kalimantan Province. Man Biting method using aspirator was used to capture mosquitoes.
Mosquito dissection, ELISA and immunohistochemistry were performed to find microfilaria larvae, sporozoit Sp. of
Plasmodium and dengue virus, respectively. The results showed that Cx.quinquefaciatus, Cx.tritaeniorhyncus, Cx
pipiens and Cx.gelidus were exophagic. Culex quinquefaciatus and Cx.tritaeniorhyncus biting activity was began at
7 – 8 pm with their biting rate were 102.5 and 44.5 mosquitoes/person/night, respectively. Anopheles umbrosus
was endophagic. Its biting activity peaked at 8 – 9 pm with its biting rate was 0.5 mosquito/person/night. Meanwhile,
An. nigerimus and An.kochi were exophagic. The biting activity of An.nigerimus peaked at 8 – 9 pm with its biting
rate was 0.5 mosquito/person/night. Anopheles kochi biting activity peaked at 6 – 7 pm with its biting rate was 1.5
mosquito/person/night. Aedes albopictus was found at 6 - 7 pm with its biting rate was 2.5 mosquitoes/person/night.
Mansonia bonea was exophagic. Its biting activity peaked at 11 – 12 pm with its biting rate was 2 mosquitoes/
person/night. The average temperature and humidity of this study were 26.14 ± 0.30o and 94.60 ± 0.48%,
respectively. Culex sp. usually rested inside the house in the morning. The breeding places of mosquitoes were
puddle of water near house, water container, old/unused vehicles, footprint, and water tank. The water temperature
of the breeding place was 25 oC. Its pH was 5.6 with 0 per mil salinity. This study did not found the vector of
malaria, DHF, and filariasis. In conclusion, four genera of mosquitoes i.e. Culex, Anopheles, Aedes and Mansonia
were found at Santu’un Village. However, vectors of malaria, DHF and filariasis were not found at this village.
Key words : Culex - Anopheles - Aedes – Mansonia - fauna - vector

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Copyright (c) 2015 Puspawati Tri Baskoro T. Satoto Mahardika A.W

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