Korelasi Inovasi dan Kinerja pada Industri Kecil dan Menengah: Kajian Meta-Analisis

Trifandi Lasalewo, Avin Fadilla Helmi
(Submitted 1 June 2016)
(Published 1 June 2014)


The effect of innovation on performance of Small and Medium Industries (SMIs) draws a great of
attention from researchers and practitioners to study further. Based on empirical findings, it is found
out that the correlation between innovation and performance is dependent on context, that is the
innovation does not affect the performance of a company or indicated negative implication between
innovation and performance. Meanwhile, other researches reported positive effects of innovation and
performance. The review of researches on the correlation between innovation and SMIs performance
shows contradictory results.The meta-analytical study is aimed at investigating further the
correlation between innovation and performance on SMI based on researches published between 2004
and 2013 in 5 continents (Australia, Asia, Europe, Africa and America). The independent variable
was innovation and the dependent variable was performance, while the moderators variable consisted
of the year of the research and the location of survei. The result of the meta-analytical study on the
correlation between innovation and performance indicated a positive correlation with mean 0.459
and the standard deviation 0.168 on 95% confidence interval.

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DOI: 10.22146/bpsi.11453


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