Neila Ramdhani
(Submitted 3 June 2016)
(Published 3 June 2016)


This paper discusses and criticizes a Technology Acceptance Model which was developed
by Fred D. Davis in 1986. TAM was built to predict the way people accept and adopt the
technology. TAM was inspired by theory of reasoned action (TRA) formulated by Martin
Fishbein & Icek Ajzen in 1975, although the model does not completely adopt the TRA model.
TAM does not include Subjective Norm as a factor in predicting the use of technology.
As a theory, TAM has been used by many researchers to investigate the adoption of
information technology. This model has a significant contribution in predicting the use of
information communication technology (ICT) in many areas. Since ICT users have various
motivational backgrounds, some of them have a positive attitude toward ICT, but they do not
use ICT. It seems the TAM model need to be improved by including Subjective Norms and
Perceived Behavior Control as suggested by Ajzen in the theory of planned behavior (TPB) as
antecedents of intention to use ICT. Since the personality background of ICT users may also
influence the use of ICT, the author proposes TAM‐NR‐2007 model that include personality
traits as a background factor of attitude toward the behavior and subjective norms.

Full Text: PDF

DOI: 10.22146/bpsi.11478


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