Simtom Depresi dan Diabetes Mellitus: sebuah Comorbidity

Jenita DT Donsu
(Submitted 29 June 2016)
(Published 29 June 2016)


Each individual has a great hope to enjoy good health throughout his life, but it is not
uncommon anxiety and stress become a part of life that is often continuous, thus causing
depression. Depression is a mental disorder that affects most people, and can attack all levels of
society of all ages, gender, social status, or economic status. Depression is closely related to chronic
diseases including diabetes mellitus. Critical review of theories and models is the first step to
prepare supporting theories to a study. Theories that have been collected are: stress, anxiety, and
self-esteem. Based on these theories are found a variety of approaches such as: (1) a cognitive
behavioral approach to overcoming depression, (2) cognitive approach to recognize the various
faults, in order to evaluate and reduce the emotional disturbance associated with depressive
symptoms; (3) approach the theoretical model to recognize, understand, and treating depression in
diabetes mellitus.

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DOI: 10.22146/bpsi.11943


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