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Vol 11, No 1 (2004): Juni Waktu Panen dan Penyimpanan Pasca Panen untuk Mempertahankan Mutu Umbi Kentang Olahan Abstract   PDF
Kusdibyo Kusdibyo, Azis A. Asandhi
Vol 4, No 1 (2019): April Water Use Efficiency in Vertical Cropping System with Volcanic Ash Media by Using Biochar and Urban Waste Compost Fertilizer as Soil Amendement Abstract   PDF
Mulyono Nitisapto, Azwar Maas, Benito Heru Purwanto, Putu Sudira
Vol 2, No 6 (1979): Mei Wax Deposits on Leaf-Surfaces of Two Clones of Panicum repens Grown in Contrasting Environments Abstract   PDF
Soedharoedjian Ronoprawiro
Vol 1, No 8 (1976): Desember Weed Control in Tea with Paraquat and Diuron Abstract   PDF
Soedharoedjian Ronoprawiro
Vol 1, No 7 (1973): Mei X-Ray Sensitivity of Metaphase Chromosomes in Cultured Pollen Tubes of Tradescantia Abstract   PDF
Djoko Isbandi
Vol 4, No 7 (1991): September Yield And Seed Quality of Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Meru.) As Affected By The Application of Defoliants. Abstract   PDF
Prapto Yudono, R. C. Mabesa, G. O. San Valentin, B. B. Mabbayad
Vol 8, No 1 (2023): April Yield and yield components of superior cocoa (Theobroma cocoa L.) clones rejuvenated by ring budding technique Abstract   PDF
Resti Utari Wahyudi, Eka Tarwaca Susila Putra, Didik Indradewa
Vol 1, No 2 (2016): August Yield, Capsaicin Content and Peroxidase Enzyme Activity of Four Chili Cultivars on Three Environments Abstract   PDF
Mahya Nur Rohmah, Suyadi Mitrowihardjo, Rudi Hari Murti
526 - 533 of 533 Items << < 17 18 19 20 21 22