Competing Interest Policy

  • Jurnal Psikologi (jpsi) respects requests not to have the manuscripts peer-reviewed by those experts who may have a competing interest with the author(s) of a submitted manuscript. It is not possible for Editors to be aware of all competing interests; we, therefore, expect that reviewers would inform the Editor-in-Chief if they notice any potential competing interest during the course of review of a manuscript. Moreover, the reviewers are expected to inform the Editors or editorial office of the journal if they have a conflict of interest in carrying out a review of a manuscript submitted by any author/contributor of the manuscript.
  • A competing interest — often called a conflict of interest — exists when professional judgment concerning a primary interest (such as patients' welfare or the validity of research) may be influenced by a secondary interest (such as financial gain or personal rivalry). It may arise for the authors of an article in The Jurnal Psikologi when they have a financial interest that may influence, probably without their knowing, their interpretation of their results or those of others. Non-financial competing interests include (but are not limited to) political, personal, religious, ideological, academic, and intellectual competing interests.
  • We believe that, to make the best decision on how to deal with an article, we should know about any competing interests that authors may have, and that if we publish the article readers should know about them too. We are not aiming to eradicate such interests across all article types in the Jurnal Psikologi. However, This means that authors whose financial conflicts of interest are judged to be relevant by the Jurnal Psikologi team are not permitted to write these articles.
  • A declaration of interest for all authors must be received before an article can be reviewed and accepted for publication.
  • We also ask reviewers to provide statements of competing interests and we use these when assessing the value of peer review reports. We ask individual reviewers to provide a statement based on Jurnal Psikologi policy at the time they submit their review via our manuscript tracking system.