Author Guidelines

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Berita Kedokteran Masyarakat (BKM Public Health and Community Medicine)

BKM Public Health and Community Medicine is a scientific journal that aims to publish, disseminate, and discuss various scientific papers related to the field of public health. BKM is now published 12 times a year.

BKM is a peer-reviewed journal and open access journal that focuses on the fields of public health and community medicine. The topics of the article will be grouped according to the main message from the author, which includes:

Communicable Diseases Control
Clinical Epidemiology
Environmental Health
Occupational Health
Healthy Cities
Community Health and Primary Health Care
Health Promoting School
Healthy Life Styles
Health Promotion
Health and Social Behavior
Tobacco and Smoking
Adolescent Health
Public Health Nutrition
Maternal and Child Health
Reproductive health
Population Health
Health of Vulnerable Population
Social Determinants of Health
Hygiene and sanitation
Human Resource Management

We prioritize accepting articles that come from experience in activities in the ministry of health, health services, local government, puskesmas, and other health service facilities, non-governmental organizations, private institutions, and community residents who seek to understand public health and take actions so that the health status of the population to be better.

BKM will only accept manuscripts which fulfill the following criteria:

  1. The manuscript serves the foundation for future researchers and scientists on their special public health interests.

  2. The manuscript focus on both researchers and public health practitioners and policymakers in any governmental bodies, private sectors, and other social institutions.

  3. The manuscript has an introduction section that reviews 10-20 articles from relevant public health fields national and/or international community medicine and/or public health journals.

  4. The manuscript includes public health subjects (such as epidemiology, environmental health, occupational health, social health, health policy, public health information system, health promotion, public health nutrition, maternal and child health, or other subject areas beneficial for the improvement of public health in the workplace, community, or wider populations).

Type of manuscript

Posts sent to the Editor are essays that have never been and are not being published elsewhere in printed or electronic form (Evidenced by a statement from the author).

Manuscript template

Templates can be downloaded here (please click on the file menu, select download as Microsoft Word)

Title page

The title does not exceed 14 words written in English. The title must describe what is reported in the manuscript, not containing abbreviations or numeric numbers. The title is not a summary of results or conclusions but a description of the research topic in the manuscript. Avoid titles using the words Relationship, Analysis, and Factors.  The title should not need to include the name of the research location.
Write the full name, institutional address, and email address of all authors under the title. Each name is numbered in the order of the author. Don't write a professional title or position.
Includes affiliations from all authors including name of agency department.
The name of the author for the purpose of the correspondence includes: complete address of correspondence, telephone / mobile phone, and e-mail
The ranking of authors must be in accordance with the provisions of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (Please click
Subtitles or subtitles must not have more than 50 letters and spaces.
At the end of the title page, the number of words must be included in the abstract and manuscript.


Abstracts are a maximum of 250 words and are written in English in the form of one paragraph with the structure, namely:


Method (Method): research procedures, number of subjects involved, place of study, method of analysis.

Results: main results of the study

Conclusion: a brief research summary and its implications

Keywords (Keywords): abstracts are accompanied by 3-5 keywords / keywords. The abstract is separated by a sign (;).

Instructions for making manuscripts

BKM follows the structure of the paper which consists of Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, and References


  • The author must present several previous research articles that are relevant to the research theme.
  • The writer must show what is lacking in the previous research so that this research is important. This "state of the art" statement can be seen in the following link.
  • The introduction must explain the concepts contained in the keywords.
  • References to the introduction of at least 10 journals, preferably derived from mainly relevant international journals.
  • The number of preliminary words is 400-750 words.


  • Don't forget to mention who is the respondent, the amount, and the selection criteria. Likewise for qualitative specifications must be explained.
  • Don't forget to enter the location and time of data collection.
  • Don't forget to enter the operational definition, if necessary in the form of a table.
  • The method ranges from 250-750 words, outside the operational definition table if there is one.


  • Table maximum 3, give important reasons if more than that.
  • Above the table, there is a sentence: Table 1 shows blah blah blah, and so on according to the table numbering.
  • We prefer the interpretation of the table rather than showing statistical significance, for example, do not mention OR = 2, but are described as follows "Working mothers are twice as likely to breastfeed as mothers who are not working"
  • If qualitative, all excerpts from the interview are written in correct Indonesian, it should not mention the local language as it is. Local language is only used if it reflects no Indonesian.
  • In the results there can be no references, all references are in the introduction and discussion.
  • Results range from 500-1000 words.


  • Discuss important findings that can be used to propose recommendations or that have implications for real public health programs.
  • Discuss references that are relevant to program implications.
  • Discuss the weaknesses in the study that are considered important in drawing conclusions.
  • Enough discussion consists of 2-3 paragraphs in accordance with important points that you want to emphasize, including those that want to be used as program implications.
  • Length of discussion 500-750 words.
  • We remind that the discussion does not repeat the results, let alone mention statistical figures.


Conclusions consist of 1-2 paragraphs, containing important points to be highlighted and important points highlighted as program implications.
The number of concluding words ranges from 100-250 words.


References generally have two emphasizes. The first emphasis, references that indicate previous studies which are the reasons why this research is needed, are more or less 10-15 references. The second emphasis, on references that are relevant to the issue points in the discussion, is more or less 10-15 references. We expect the authors to also refer to 1-3 references used in the method or data collection, if there is a specific analysis strategy.
Reference should be in the form of the latest journal in the last 10-15 years. Although it is permissible to do so, quotations in textbooks, regulations, or theses should be minimized.
Reference wherever possible refers to journals of specific fields that are the author's expertise. For example, if the researcher is an epidemiologist then the journal is more about epidemiology, if the manuscript is related to hospital management, then the reference is to prioritize health and hospital services.

Writing Technique

Text is typed in Droid serif 9 font, spacing 1.3, on A4 size paper, 2 columns (according to template)
The maximum number of words in the body of the manuscript is 3500 words for research articles, 6000 words for review and 1500 words for case studies
For qualitative research, the maximum is 6000 words
Writing abbreviations without explanation is only for units of measurement, in addition, it must mention the length when the abbreviation is first written


The language used is standard English with American English spelling.
Writing abstracts in English must follow good and correct English grammar.
The use of foreign terms is marked with italics.

Tables and Figures

The table must be given a title above the table with the Droid serif 9. font. The table must be independently understandable. The bottom of the table should contain information that explains the symbols or abbreviations used in the table.
The maximum number of tables is 3 tables. The table is not from a screen capture (image).
The image is titled under the image.
The author is required to follow the flow and conditions in the Editor's Journal of Community Medicine News.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  2. The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  3. Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  4. The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  5. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  6. Editorial review process

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.