Peran Perpustakaan Kafe Literacy Coffee dalam meningkatkan minat baca pengunjung di Kota Medan
Introduction. To increase the interest in reading could be anywhere, not only in libraries. The purpose of this study is to examine the role of Literacy Coffee Cafe Library in increasing reading interest and visitors.
Data Collection Methods. This study uses a qualitative research with a descriptive approach. Data collection techniques were conducted by using interviews, observations, and documentation studies. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling, consisting of two managers and two visitors to the Literacy Coffee Cafe Library.
Data Analysis. Data analysis was carried out through data reduction, data presentation, conclusions and data verification.
Results and Discussion. The role of the Literacy Coffee Cafe Library is to increase visitors’ interest by providing rooms, services, collection of library materials. It also conducts activities such as discussion and promotion.
Conclusion and Recommendations. Cafe libraries which are educative, informative, and recreational may become triggers to increase visitors’ reading interest. To increase more interest in reading, it is recommended that the Literacy Coffee Cafe Library should be more active in having innovative activities.
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