Dinamika pendidikan vokasi pembelajaran praktikum konservasi arsip di masa pandemi
Introduction. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced face-to-face learning activities to change into distance learning. This paper discusses the impact of the pandemic on the learning process in the hands-on archives conservation practicum at the Archives Preservation Laboratory, Vocational School, Universitas Gadjah Mada. This paper also analyzes several perspectives across memory institutions as well as the potential and challenges through the choice of methods used to deliver the practical skills in distance learning.
Data Collection Method. Field observations and interviews’ data were analysed using descriptive analytics approach and contrasted with findings in the literature reviews to draw conclusions.
Results and Discussion. The dimensions of experience and tactile skills from hands-on conservation practice require specific equipments and laboratory which cannot be fully replaced in online classes. However, the pandemic has urged the university to arrange new learning methods for laboratory-based practicum.
Conclusion. Although distance learning prompts plenty opportunities, it remains a challenge to replace the face-to-face model of conservation practicum. There is a great urgency for the best model and media to ensure effective learning which addresses the limitations during a pandemic. It is recommended that universities collaborate with stakeholders and Libraries, Archives and Museums (LAM) institutions to improve the current online practicum scheme.
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