Extract Corn Silk with Variation of Solvents on Yield, Total Phenolics, Total Flavonoids, and Antioxidant Activity

Haslina Haslina(1*), Murtiari Eva(2)
(1) Faculty of Agriculture Technology, Semarang University
(2) Faculty of Agriculture Technology, Semarang University
(*) Corresponding Author
Corn silk is a by product or waste that is commonly used as a traditional medicine that contain bioactive compounds such as volatile oils, steroids, alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids, chlorogenic acid and phenolic compounds, containing protein, carbohydrates, minerals (Ca, Mg, Cu , Zn, Fe and Mn), higher crude fiber, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin K, steroids such as sitosterol and stigmasterol, alkaloids, saponins, tannins, flavonoids, anthocyanins, protokatekin, vanilic acid, derivatives hasperidin and quersetin, phenols, terpenoids and glycosides, maysin, β-carotene, beta-sitosterol, geraniol, hordenin, limonene, menthol and viteskin also a good source of poliphenol as antioksidan. Solvent used for the extraction of flavonoid compounds are methanol, ethanol, acetone and ethyl acetate. Basic separation by solvent extraction is the difference in the solubility of each composition in compaction with solvent. Solubility is influenced temperature, stirring speed, the extraction time, comprehensive tangent plane solids by solvent extraction and frequency.
This study aims to extract corn silk by using a variation of solvent type in terms of yield, total phenols, flavonoids and antioxidant activity.
The experimental design used in this study is completely randomized design (CRD) 1 factor with 5 replications. Solvent: methanol: water (85:15) (v/v) ethanol: water (85:15) (v/ v), ethyl acetate: water (85:15) (v/v), acetone: water (85 : 15) (v/v). Furthermore, the data obtained were analyzed variants and if there is a difference between treatments continued by Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at 5% level.
Variations in the type of solvent significant (p <0.05) to the yield, total phenol, total flavonoids and antioxidant activity. Variations in the type of solvent with the highest yield at a ratio (methanol: water), and the ratio (ethanol: water), then the ratio (acetone: water) and the lowest ratio of (ethyl acetate: water). At ratio (methanol: water) obtained yield is 65.8%, total phenol ie 45350.27 mg / kg GAE, total flavonoids 291.28 mg QE / kg and activities of antioxidant that is 92.1%.Keywords
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Akcay, selcuk. 2011. The Causal relationshipbetween producer price index andconsumer priceindex:EmpiricalEvidence for Selected EuropeanCountries. International Journal ofEconomics and Finance.3(6)Bangoura, M.L., Nsor-Atindana, J., and Ming,Z.H. 2013. Solvent OptimizationExtraction of Antioxidants from Foxtailmillet Species Insoluble Fibers and theirFree Radical Scavenging Properties.Food Chem. 141: 736-744Burin, V.M., Rossa, P.N., Ferreira-Lima, N.E.,Hillmann, M.C.R. and Boirdignon-Luiz,M.T. 2011. Anthocyanins: optimizationof extraction from Cabernet Sauvignongrapes, microcapsulation and stabilityin soft drink. International Journal ofFood Science & Technology. 46: 186-193.Bushman, B.S. 2002. The genetic ofchlorogenicacid synthesis in maize(PhDDissertation). University ofMissouri-Columbia, USA.Chew, K.K, Ng.S.Y.,Thoo, Y.Y., Khoo, M.Z.,Wan Aida, W.M and Ho, C.W.2011.Effect of ethanol concentration,extraction time, and extractiontemperature on the recovery ofphenolic compounds and antioxidantcapacity ofCentellaAsiaticaextracts.International food Research Journal.18:571-578.Ebrahimzadeh, M.A., Pourmorad, F., andBekhradnia, A.R., 2008. Iron chelatingactivity, phenol andflavonoid contentof somemedicinalplant fromIran.African Journal of Biotechnology.7(18):3188-3192.Fernando,C andSoysa,P. 2014. Totalphenolic, flavonoid contents, in vitroantioxidant activitiesandhepatoprotective effect of aqueous leafextract ofAtlantaCeylan ICA.BMCcomplementary and alternativemedicine the official journal of theInternational Society forComplementary Medicine Research(ISCMR).Geissman,T. and Crou G. 969. “Organicchemis ry of secondary plan ”.Metabolism. Freeman Cooper andCo,California.Guo, J., Liu T, Han.L,andLiu. Y. 2009. Theeffect of corn silk onglycaemicmetabolism. Journal Nutrition &Metabolism Biomed Central.6:47

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