Aktivitas Antioksidan dan Tingkat Penerimaan Konsumen pada Minuman Instan yang Diperkaya dengan Ekstrak Sargassum polycystum

Amir Husni(1*), Dewi Ariani(2), Siti Ari Budhiyanti(3)
(1) Jurusan Perikanan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Jalan Flora Gedung A4, Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta 55281
(2) Jurusan Perikanan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Jalan Flora Gedung A4, Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta 55281
(3) Jurusan Perikanan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Jalan Flora Gedung A4, Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta 55281
(*) Corresponding Author
Instant drink of ethanolic extract Sargassum polycystum with ginger flavor was made from seaweds which was processed into powder and have undergone processes of drying, extraction, cocrystalization, and sieving into powder. The objective of this research was to produce a formula of the seaweed instant drink which has a high antioxidant activity and is preferred by consumers. The formula that was used in this research waere ethanolic extract of S. polycystum, sugar and ginger. The compostion of formula including control (0:3:1), formula 1 (0.1:2.9:1), formula 2 (0.2:2.8:1), formula 3 (0.3:2.7:1), formula 4 (0.4:2.6:1), formula 5 (0.5: 2.5:1), and formula 6 (0.6:2.4:1). The result showed that the instant drink contained the value of antioxidant activity by 25.70-65.41%, total fenol of 27.74-100.36 mg GAE/gram, water levels of 0.44-1.99%, ash levels of 0.06-11.54% and the value of hedonic color 2,4-3,2(don’t like – like); hedonic flavor 1.29-3.66 (very don’t like – like); and hedonic taste 1.32-3.59 (very don’t like – like).
Minuman instan ekstrak Sargassum polycystum rasa jahe merupakan produk olahan rumput laut dalam bentuk serbuk yang sebelumnya telah mengalami proses pengeringan, ekstraksi, kokristalisasi dan pengayakan menjadi serbuk. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah menghasilkan formula minuman instan rumput laut yang mempunyai aktivitas antioksidan dan disukai konsumen. Formula yang digunakan pada penelitian ini terdiri dari ekstrak etanolik S. polycystum, gula dan jahe dengan komposisi kontrol (0:3:1), formula 1 (0,1:2,9:1), formula 2 (0,2:2,8:1), formula 3 (0,3:2,7:1), formula 4 (0,4:2,6:1), formula 5 (0,5:2,5:1), dan formula 6 (0,6:2,4:1). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa minuman instan mempunyai nilai aktivitas antioksidan 25,7-65,41%, total fenol 27,74-100,36 mg GAE/gram, total gula 76,13-87,18%, kadar air 0,44-1,99%, kadar abu 0,06-11,54% dan nilai hedonis warna 2,4-3,2 (tidak suka – suka); aroma 1,29-3,66 (sangat tidak suka – suka); dan rasa 1,32-3,59 (sangat tidak suka – suka).
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agriTECH (print ISSN 0216-0455; online ISSN 2527-3825) is published by Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada in colaboration with Indonesian Association of Food Technologies.